Tests for infection - an important indicator - Blood sampling
September 6, 2014
- Tests for infections - important indicators
- Blood sampling
A blood test for infection
With blood tests can detect many viral and bacterial infections. A blood test during viral infection can detect diseases such as hepatitis
Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
, Rotavirus, HIV, Epstein - Barr virus, cytomegalovirus
Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?
, and others. This may be used various kinds of tests, such as:
- Test antibody. Antibodies are substances that are produced by the immune system during the penetration into the body a certain virus. They attach themselves to the cells infected with a virus, and attempt to damage the virus. This test revealed levels of specific antibodies to the virus, and to determine whether the person has ever infected (antibodies are present in blood not only in the acute phase of infection);
- DNA analysis reveals virus infection and determine the type of virus. For the analysis can be used not only blood, but also the cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, soft tissue. Analysis of urine for infection also reveals the DNA of the virus at some infections that affect the organs of the urogenital system.
Preparing for a viral infection is not usually required. However, the doctor should say in advance if you recently made any vaccinations, or if you are taking any medications.
A blood test for infection transcript
The most commonly used blood test when a bacterial infection called blood culture or blood cultures. It is used to detect meningococcal, staphylococcal infections, fever, sepsis and other diseases - from serious to relatively harmless. For example, the analysis on streptococcal infections may be required in case the patient for a long time does not pass angina
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- If it turns out that it is caused by streptococcus, can be assigned to treatment with antibiotics. With blood culture can also determine whether the bacteria that caused the infection, sensitive to certain types of antibiotics.
Blood tests for most of the time is taken from a vein in the crook of the elbow.
Often at the same time sowing the blood carried a common blood test to determine the level of white blood cells and other indicators - this information will enable the doctor to choose the most appropriate method of treatment. Furthermore, it may be assigned to the analysis of urine, saliva or cerebrospinal fluid; it may be necessary if the patient has symptoms characteristic of infection of the urinary system, pneumonia and meningitis
Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
Blood tests for infection may be needed with the appearance of these symptoms as fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, confusion, sudden drop in blood pressure. Such assays often do, and patients who have recently had major surgery (for example, organ transplantation), or are taking immunosuppressive drugs - they have the chance of developing serious infections is especially high.
Depending on which analysis was carried out, and to detect any microorganisms it is intended, the result may be known as the one to two days and a week or more. Normal (negative) is the result of the absence in the blood of bacteria and viruses - in normal blood sterile. Presence of bacteria in the blood indicates a bacterial infection. The presence of antibodies to viruses can be specified as an active infection, and the infection, transferred in the past. It should be noted that antibodies to some viruses may not appear immediately, but only after a few days or weeks after infection. For example, between the moment when the patient was infected with HIV before blood will antibody to the virus can take up to twelve weeks. Accordingly, if the analysis is done too early, it can give a false-negative result.
Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed - Diagnosis
April 9, 2014
- Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
- How is infection
- Classification
- Diagnostics
- Treatment
- Complications
Diagnosis of tuberculosis
Differential diagnosis of tuberculosis. In the differential diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis is necessary to exclude the following diseases:
- Blastomycosis;
- Tularemia;
- Actinomycosis;
- Infections caused by bacteria such as Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, M chelonae, M fortuitum, M gordonae;
- Squamous cell carcinoma.
Some of the diseases that should be excluded in the differential diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis:
- Eosinophilic granuloma;
- Erythema nodosum;
- Leishmaniasis;
- Leprosy;
- Syphilis;
- Rheumatoid arthritis
Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
Diagnosis of tuberculosis in adults and children is carried out equally; including X-rays they do, although some studies suggest that it is unsafe for children. However, undiagnosed tuberculosis is potentially much more dangerous than X-rays.
Tuberculin test or Mantoux test - a well-known method of detecting TB bacteria. The patient is administered a small amount of tuberculin (usually injections made into the lower part of the forearm). After 48-72 hours the patient has to come back to the doctor, who assesses the reaction to the tuberculin. If the patient at the injection site induration appeared - packed, slightly convex portion - doctor measure it; if its size from 10 to 15 mm, it indicates the presence of antibodies to Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis can be detected with a blood test for gamma interferon. This analysis has its advantages, if a tuberculin skin test can sometimes give false negative result (for example, in HIV-infected patients), the analysis of the gamma-interferon is rarely leads to such errors. In addition, modern diagnostic methods can detect TB is a disease without a special laboratory equipment. Rapid tests for TB diagnosis allow a little more than half an hour; Currently, they are already widely used in third world countries where tuberculosis is very common, and medical care is low.
If a particular analysis on tuberculosis was positive, as a rule, appointed by X-ray diagnosis of tuberculosis. With the help of a differential diagnosis, assessed the state of the lungs is determined by the stage of tuberculosis. If necessary, after radiography can be assigned to a computer tomography - it allows for more details see the internal structures and, in some cases, identify extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
Even in the absence of alarm symptoms, get tested is strongly recommended for those who belong to the following risk groups for tuberculosis:
- People suffering from silicosis - in patients with the disease risk of tuberculosis is 30 times higher than the average;
- HIV-infected patients;
- People with diagnosed diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
- People with severe kidney disease;
- Alcoholics and drug addicts;
- People who have undergone organ transplants;
- People who have been treated for cancer, rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn's disease;
- People with a deficiency of body weight - body mass index less than 18.5 TB disease increases the risk two to three times.
What are the symptoms of tuberculosis
TB symptoms depend on its shape and type.
- How does pulmonary tuberculosis
In the closed form of pulmonary tuberculosis have no symptoms when explicitly observed the classic signs of the disease - persistent cough (two weeks or more), coughing up sputum, sometimes - with blood, weakness, lethargy, sweating at night. Sputum for TB, especially with traces of blood, is probably the most common symptom, the appearance of which you should immediately consult your doctor.
The majority of patients have chest pain
Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
tuberculosis, which may be aggravated by coughing; in some cases, the appearance of this symptom suggests that the disease struck the pericardium - the outer shell of the heart, formed by connective tissue. Tuberculosis temperature usually rises to 37.6-38S; high fever is relatively rare.
- How does some types of extrapulmonary tuberculosis
Tuberculous meningitis
Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
Besides the above symptoms can cause long-term headaches and gradual change in mental status.
Bone or skeletal tuberculosis leads to back pain, and approximately half of the patients is greatly reduced mobility of the lower extremities.
If TB is in the genitourinary system, the patient may experience symptoms such as dysuria and frequent urination.