Primary tuberculosis - a negative contact with mycobacteria

April 13, 2014

  • Primary tuberculosis - a negative contact with mycobacteria
  • Treatment

 primary tuberculosis
 Primary tuberculosis - is tuberculosis, which develops after the first contact with the organism Mycobacterium. After the tuberculosis bacteria enter the body, they may be many years - or even a lifetime - to remain inactive, or cause primary infection.


The pathogenesis of primary tuberculosis

Usually, primary TB infection occurs by droplets; the source of infection is any person who is ill open tuberculosis, and not receiving treatment.

People with strong immune system macrophages - immune cells - inhibit the multiplication of tubercle bacilli, transport them to lymph nodes, where they remain for a long time. If for any reason a person's immunity is not strong enough, the primary developing active tuberculosis. In both cases the body will produce antibodies, and by means of specific tests can detect infection, but only in case of active infection the patient has symptoms of tuberculosis. When the TB bacteria are activated in a few years or decades after exposure, or after successful treatment of primary tuberculosis, talk about the secondary tuberculosis.

In most cases, primary TB affects the lungs. Other primary forms of tuberculosis are very rare and usually in immunocompromised patients. These forms of tuberculosis are, for example, tuberculosis, kidney, skeletal tuberculosis, tuberculosis of the lymphatic system, skin tuberculosis. Patients diagnosed with primary pulmonary tuberculosis, it must be remembered that they can spread the infection and they need to take steps to ensure that prevent infection of other people - at least, cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze, and certainly as soon as possible starting TB treatment.



In typical cases of primary tuberculosis causes the following symptoms:

  • Cough;
  • Coughing up phlegm or coughing up blood;
  • Fatigue for no apparent reason;
  • Weight reduction;
  • Low-grade fever (not above 37.5S);
  • Cardiopalmus.

Less frequently, patients with primary tuberculosis complain of chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
   and dyspnea.

Usually the disease develops slowly, and at first the symptoms are mild, and symptoms may resemble a common cold. High temperatures in the primary tuberculosis is rare, although the secondary tuberculosis can cause a temperature rise to 38Si even higher. It often happens that the symptoms of the disease at the time of fading, but this in no way means that the disease has receded: after a certain period of time there will aggravation, and this time the symptoms can be much more pronounced.

In rare cases, when the patient develops a primary extrapulmonary tuberculosis may experience specific symptoms, such as tuberculosis bronchi - wheezing and noise in the chest, in tuberculosis of the liver - pain in the right side of the abdomen, skin tuberculosis - rash and on later stages of development, the formation of tuberculous ulcers.



Doctors strongly recommend to be screened for TB to anyone who spoke or communicates with the open pulmonary tuberculosis patients and patients at risk - HIV-infected people, diabetics, people who use drugs intravenously. Modern diagnostic techniques can detect tuberculosis, on average, one to two months after infection. Besides, everyone needs to be surveyed, who were at least some of the above symptoms of tuberculosis.

Generally, for the diagnosis of tuberculosis is primarily used Mantoux test. The probability of false positive results when using this test is very small, but in some cases, the tuberculin skin test can give false-negative result.

If the Mantoux test is positive, additional tests will be assigned. Analysis of sputum allows a high degree of probability to diagnose the primary (and secondary) tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
   light. The results of this analysis are known for a period of from one to eight weeks. Chest radiography is appointed, if the Mantoux test result is positive, the patient has symptoms of TB Symptoms of TB - how to recognize the disease  Symptoms of TB - how to recognize the disease
   light, or if after the tuberculin test was unable to determine if the patient is infected or not (as happens, for example, in patients with weakened immune systems and those who were vaccinated with BCG). Using X-ray you can see lung disease caused by tuberculosis, and set the stage of the disease.

To diagnose primary extrapulmonary tuberculosis can be required the following procedures:

  • Biopsy - sampling of the affected organ tissue for laboratory research;
  • Analysis of urine - is commonly used for the diagnosis of tuberculosis of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • Lumbar puncture - is carried out to analyze the cerebrospinal fluid in tuberculous meningitis;
  • Computed tomography is used for the diagnosis of various forms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging is commonly used for the diagnosis of tuberculosis of the spine and brain.

Patients diagnosed with primary tuberculosis may also test for HIV and hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
   - A combination of the disease to humans can be much more dangerous than either disease alone.

Symptoms of salmonellosis - attention to the signals of the body

June 8, 2014

 signs of salmonellosis
 Salmonella infection of the gastrointestinal tract, are quite common. In most cases, their pathogens enter the body along with the eggs and meat, lack undergone thermal treatment, as well as dirty fruits or vegetables. Symptoms of salmonellosis help identify contamination.

When injected into the intestine does not always cause salmonella infections, and in some cases of salmonellosis may be asymptomatic. However, in typical cases of the disease symptoms of salmonellosis occur after the end of the incubation period, which can last from 6 to 72 hours, but usually lasts 12-36 hours. Since the appearance of symptoms of the disease, and possibly earlier, faeces are the source of infection of the patient. Some patients Salmonella lives in the intestines and output with the stool for several months after recovery.


The main features of

The first signs of Salmonellosis, such as mild nausea and malaise can occur shortly after penetration of bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tract; Patients often do not pay attention to them. Some time later, the following symptoms of Salmonella infection:

  • Nausea. This sign of salmonellosis appears in the earliest stages of the disease, and often persists longer than other symptoms - nausea may occur from time to time, even a few days later after other symptoms of the disease have disappeared;
  • Diarrhea is one of the most characteristic symptoms of salmonellosis. It can be worse after eating certain foods, such as spicy foods and drinks containing caffeine;
  • Stomach cramps. One of the main tasks of the intestine - rid the body of wastes. Upon infection with Salmonella organism seek as soon as possible to get rid of bacteria, and to cope with this task, it begins to work especially intensively, resulting in spasms, and often quite severe pain in the abdomen. Sometimes the pain is so strong that, after listening to the complaints of the patient, the doctor may suspect that he had appendicitis;
  • Vomiting. Although salmonella Salmonellosis - features of the disease  Salmonellosis - features of the disease
   usually not a dangerous disease for some groups of patients, such as young children and the elderly, it can be fatal. One hazards associated with the disease - vomiting, which together with diarrhea can cause dangerous for health and life of dehydration;
  • Heat. In patients with salmonellosis is often fever, but it rarely exceeds 38.8 degrees Celsius;
  • Chills - a symptom often goes "hand in hand" with a high temperature;
  • Headache salmonellosis is usually caused by fever and general malaise;
  • Muscle pain - a rare symptom of salmonella Symptoms of salmonellosis - the definition of disease severity  Symptoms of salmonellosis - the definition of disease severity
 . Most often, patients feel pain in the muscles of the abdomen, much less - in the muscles of the arms and legs;
  • Blood in the stool - a disturbing and, fortunately, a rare sign of salmonellosis. Typically, this symptom occurs when severe Salmonella infection requiring antibiotic treatment.

Patients have generally good health, there are symptoms of salmonellosis are mild to moderate; severe infections are rare.

Usually, the symptoms of salmonellosis in adults in young patients are the same, but in young children with this disease, in addition to these symptoms, you may experience drowsiness, irritability or apathy, lethargy, lack of appetite.

In most patients, even without special treatment of salmonellosis symptoms disappear in just 4-7 days. If during this time did not get better, and / or if the symptom sharply compounded (especially if there is a sign of how the presence of blood in the stool), as soon as possible, seek medical help. You should also consult your doctor if signs of severe dehydration, which is sometimes a result of diarrhea and vomiting. If slight dehydration is common and easily remedied by drinking several glasses of water, in severe cases it can lead to irreversible consequences.


Signs of dehydration in children

  • Isolation unusually small amounts of urine, dry tongue and lips, sunken eyes, weakness, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   or lethargy;
  • In very severe dehydration - drowsiness, pallor, cold hands and feet, frequent and usually shallow breathing. If you notice a child's symptoms, immediately call an ambulance.

Signs of dehydration in adults:

  • Weakness, dizziness, light-headed Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Headache, muscle cramps. It may also be present symptoms characteristic of dehydration in children;
  • In the most severe cases - apathy, confusion, increased heart rate, coma.

Article Tags:
  • salmonellosis
