Complaints of pain in the nipple - a phenomenon often enough. Cause such pain may be completely different diseases that require different treatment. Moreover, to ask for help in this case it is necessary to different specialists. But it should be done: the breasts of women should be screened.
Why is there pain in the nipples during mastitis
If we exclude breast-feeding, cracks, abrasions nipples lactostasis and mastitis, the most common cause of pain in the breasts and nipples are mastitis.
Mastitis called fibrocystic breast changes in the mammary glands, which are formed by hormonal disorders. Hormonal disorders can be caused by various inflammatory gynecological diseases and disorders of the menstrual cycle.
As is known, woman's menstrual cycle is divided into two halves: in the first half by the action of female sex hormones are estrogens oocyte maturation and proliferation of the epithelium on the inner surface of the uterus and in the ducts of the mammary glands. Then the egg is released from the ovary (ovulation) during the second half of the menstrual cycle under the influence of progesterone stops the reproduction of the epithelial cells, but they are beginning to develop a secret. By reducing the amount of progesterone overgrown endometrium rejected (menstruation), and mammary epithelial development opposite occurs.
But it happens normally. When hormonal disruptions continue to develop the breast ducts are clogged, forming cysts, glandular cells are replaced by connective tissue. If such changes occur equally in both breasts, then we speak of diffuse (spread) of mastitis. But sometimes formed one or a few large nodes in the chest - a disease is called a nodal mastopathy. Between these diseases there is a fundamental difference in their course and tactics of treatment.
Features of pain in the nipples in diffuse and nodular mastopathy
Sore nipples can occur and diffuse and nodular mastopathy. But they diffuse, yet there are more and more commonly associated with the menstrual cycle - appear in the second half. Sometimes nipples appear allocation - colorless or with blood.
When nodal mastopathy pain in the breast, which is a node, can be confusing and less nipples hurt not so much. But there are also such nodal mastopathy, where the pain is very strong - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman and the sensitivity of her nipples.
Women with mastopathy required to examine, as sometimes the breast can cause breast cancer. Especially dangerous in this respect nodular breast
Nodal mastopathy: Early diagnosis is important
. Standard Plan breast examinations includes her ultrasound and X-ray examination, laboratory blood tests for hormones, blood count and, if necessary, - a breast biopsy with taking biological material from mastopaticheskih nodes for cytology (the study of cells to detect cell cancer tumor).
Tactics of treatment of mastitis
Diffuse mastopathy affects so many women, and in most cases it does not require any special treatment. The woman explained that it is very important a healthy lifestyle, the correct mode of the day, feasible exercise, advised not to smoke.
Great importance is attached to the power supply: the diet should be more vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, meat and fish. It is not recommended to eat fatty, fried, smoked, salted and canned products. Proper metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
can restore hormonal balance and eliminate changes in the mammary gland.
Appointed as vitamin and mineral supplements, herbal preparations containing hormone-like substances, such as mastodinon that inhibits secretion of prolactin - a hormone of the pituitary gland, often "guilty" in the development of mastitis. Appointed as drugs, normalizing liver function - it degrade estrogen. In violation of the liver estrogen in the blood becomes very much that contributes to the development of mastitis.
When severe pain in the mammary gland during the second half of the menstrual cycle are appointed painkillers.
If the woman's blood found significant hormonal changes and breast occurs with severe pain, then appointed correcting hormone.
When nodal mastopathy conservative treatment is useless - it will only operation that is recommended to make as soon as possible, without waiting for the rebirth of mastitis node in breast cancer
Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
Undiagnosed and treated breast
Breast - the mirror Women's Health
- Is not only to get rid of pain in the breasts and nipples, it is also prevention of cancer.
Galina Romanenko