What is breast cancer - signs of the disease
June 17, 2013
Sometimes the thought of cancer becomes obsessive and becomes a phobia. To avoid this, a woman must know clearly that if it is diagnosed and cancer (it is found not so rare), it was only in the early stages, which respond well to treatment. To help in the detection of cancer at an early stage can self-test. What is breast cancer?
What can be felt in the breast
The most common form of breast cancer (BC) is a nodular form. In the depths of the breast can be felt at first a small, but rapidly growing hub. Node has a fuzzy round or oval shape, its surface is rough, slightly uneven.
Most often, such a node is painless, but sometimes a woman may feel a little pain when probing. The larger the tumor, the more it is soldered to surrounding tissues.
In diffuse breast cancer node typically not detectable, and mammary gland increases in volume becomes dense. Painful and in this case most often does not happen. Sometimes breast cancer manifests itself as an inflammation and swelling of the breast tissue - it is a sign of an inflammatory form of the disease, which manifests itself already in the late stages.
Changes in the shape of the breast, skin above the tumor and the nipple
Breast cancer usually grows to the skin or to the wall of the thoracic cavity. If the growth is toward the skin, the skin in a limited area over the tumor may become wrinkled or drawn. Mammary gland while changing its shape. Sometimes the skin over the tumor swells, thickens and becomes similar to orange peel.
In the so-called armored skin cancer reduced in size over the mammary gland becomes dense and uneven. She covers the shell gland, making it less mobile.
In cancer, Paget's disease, which affects mainly the nipple and areola appear first abrasions on the nipple, discharge from it, and then erosion and ulcers, and passing on the skin of the breast. Skin lesions thus resemble eczema: erosion and oozing sores alternate with patches covered with scales and crusts.
If different forms of breast cancer breast may have different change shape, sometimes changes can have a very unusual character.
Changes in the lymph nodes in breast cancer
Changes in the lymph nodes suggest that the tumor has spread through the lymphatic vessels and reached nearby lymph nodes on the affected side. Metastases usually first in the axillary lymph nodes. At the same time the lymph nodes
Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
thick, may be slightly painful. They are not fused with each other and with the surrounding tissues.
In the later stages of breast cancer axillary lymph nodes
Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands
are welded to each other and with the surrounding tissues and represents a single lumpy conglomerate. In the later stages of increasing not only the armpit, but other adjacent lymph nodes - okologrudinnoy, subclavian, supraclavicular, and so on.
Changes in distant organs for breast cancer - distant metastases
Sometimes it happens that the first signs of trouble are detected when the cancer has already given metastasis to distant organs. Prior to this cancer is asymptomatic. But it happens to women who do not conduct regular, monthly breast self-examination, otherwise the first signs of cancer
Fifteen signs of cancer that women ignore
As if they did not look atypical, it would have been discovered much earlier.
Breast cancer may metastasize to any organs and tissues. But most often affects the lungs, liver, brain and spinal cord and skeletal system.
A sign that the cancer cells through the lymphatic or blood vessels to spread to the bronchi and lungs, a dry cough intrusive. Often at the same time to the cancer process joins bacterial or fungal infection, and cough becomes wet, sometimes with purulent sputum - antibiotics improve the condition of the patient, but not completely eliminate the cough.
Metastasis - danger everywhere
breast cancer in the liver, it increases in size, it becomes lumpy, its function is impaired, which may manifest as jaundice
If breast cancer affecting the bone system, then there is aching in the bones and a tendency to fracture. Metastases to the brain headaches, dizziness, fainting, hearing and visual impairment, coordination and so on. With the defeat of the spinal cord can develop incontinence.
What is breast cancer? It may look different, sometimes quite atypically. The task of women - self-examination regularly, timely detection of any changes in the breast and immediately consult your doctor.
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- Diagnosis of breast cancer
Lingerie: how to choose the "right" clothes
March 19, 2007
Lingerie, underwear and, as we know it today is a relatively recent invention. Back in the early 20th century lingerie is much more valued functionality than beauty, sensuality and sexuality
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. No one, except perhaps, the Moulin Rouge dancers and women of some other professions, do not buy clothes, thinking that someone will look at it. Until 1960 major in lingerie were: hygiene, simplicity and convenience. Another property in the middle of the last century began to retreat into the past (as it turned out, not for long) was the ability of certain types of lingerie to visually improve the shape of his mistress.
History of creation
In the 16th century there was a corset, with which the waist can be reduced up to 40-43 cm. Despite his discomfort, he remained in vogue until the early 20th century, when it was replaced with an elastic girdle, which also reduced the waist, but was significantly convenient. But over time, the most popular types of lingerie steel bra and panties.
Up to now, there are disputes about what was the inventor of the bra. It is known that his first patented by Henry Lesher in 1859. Its design is more or less similar to our usual bras, although it may be hard to believe that it was created for a woman. Bra Loescher was not designed to support breast - rather, he had to absorb sweat and protect the breast. The invention of the modern bra is usually attributed to Mary Phelps Jacob. She received a patent February 12, 1914, and there is also no mention of such a function bra like breast support.
According to another version, the creator of the bra is Kadol Ermine - she presented his invention in 1889. Interestingly, she founded the company still exists, but the company's website does not have any mention of Mrs. Kadol.
January 10, 1876 Olivia P. Flynt in the application for a patent describing the invention, supporting female bust, designed primarily for women with large breasts. She wrote, it is this element of lingerie can be used instead of the corset - in fact, she described the bra, which was not only the first but also the closest to the modern counterparts.
Another common type of lingerie - panties - in the second half of the 20th century was considered solely in terms of functionality. But over time, they became less and less. At first, they are shorter - that is, no longer reaches almost to the knee, as before, but still remained baggy and unattractive in appearance. In 1960 this part of the lingerie began to make more or less overtly sexual; Thong appeared (which, however, only a few decades resolved to wear, not all women) and different models of panties decorated with a variety of decorative elements. But it took a lot of time before women choosing lingerie hoist pay no less attention than the choice of clothing.
Choosing lingerie
Choice of clothes - the event responsible. After correctly chosen underwear not only will not "look", but can be harmful to health. Designers gradually moving away from hypersexual and equally uncomfortable underwear equipped with a synthetic lace and thin ties. Doctors in solidarity with them. Here are some tips gives Galina Korzhenkova, mammalogy radiologist consultant program "Together Against Cancer
Breast cancer - the verdict?
breast ":
- Discard the push-ups with metal bones. Tight underwear on metal bones, although very tempting, tightens the chest and leads to microtrauma which certainly can not be useful. So choose plastic underwire bra underwire or whalebone - they do not violate the microcirculation.
- The chest should rest on the bra, so sleep in it is not recommended.
- For sports you need to choose special clothes, and not, as some wear "that is not a pity." Ligaments that support the breasts are very tender, and under heavy loads they need help. For sport there is a special clothes, the freedom of movement and well-supported form. Firstly, it should be (as well as conventional underwear) size: too close bra will compress the chest, which may cause microtraumas and too loose - can not cope with the function of support. Secondly, it should be superelastic. Third, fully closing the mammary gland. And fourth, the natural material: the active physical activity increased sweating, and synthetic underwear does not allow pores to breathe. The ideal material for sports - elastic cotton.
- And remember: the model applied underwire sports training misplaced - at sharp and active movements they injure the chest and left bruises on the skin.
- The bra should closely match the size - underwear in any case not be enough. Tight bra can disrupt blood circulation, which often provokes the development of breast diseases. Sculpting effect has underwear made of elastic fabric, but it should be strictly in size, no less! Bra larger that some girls wear to add bust pomp, not solve the problem - its fabric will gather in the folds, and it looks ugly. To achieve the effect of a magnificent bust will lingerie with inserts of silicone, foam, gel, air bras with inserts. And take into account the little tricks: strictly horizontal seam on the bra makes breast more rounded bowls with vertical or slightly inclined seams a little "dissolve" the bust and cup with stitches in the form of the letter "T" pripodnimut chest.
Not to be mistaken with the size, do not hesitate to try on new clothes before buying. Better just to make sure that the chest is well fixed, the straps do not rub, do not crush bones. Run away from the store, which do not allow to measure underwear!
How to choose the best bra
However, in retail stores sellers will do everything to find the perfect option for you. A well-known manufacturers are trying to take into account all the requirements for the "health" underwear. More and more well-known companies producing seamless underwear fashion line, invisible under tight clothes and leave no scuffs and marks on the skin. Modern hygroscopic materials do not absorb moisture like cotton, and passes it to the outside, which minimizes the likelihood of allergic reactions
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Many companies include in their collection of bras, on a cut reminiscent of supporting sports tops. Elastic fabric tight to the body and provides a good fixation of the breast, regardless of its volume. This underwear is also no joints and bones, and wide straps will not crash with the shoulders.
Foreign brands are known for their laundry zapantetovannymi production technologies bras with seamless cups, kept by a special dense material with polymeric inclusions, who squeezes the chest, but holds its shape well. Fabric is 85% cotton, because underwear is comfortable and hypoallergenic.
Remember: do not skimp on comfort and quality of underwear
. And even more so - for the beauty of his chest hurt
. "The quality of the bra - a very important aspect - continues to Galina
. - In my practice I was a case where a woman came for consultation with complaints of pain in the nipple
. No examination did not reveal abnormalities, so we started to work together to find the cause in her everyday life
. It turned out that the patient has long underwear is questionable, to say the quality - it is now flooded Moscow counters
. Produced such products, usually in China, and the materials used are not even basic controls
. As a result, there are bras specks of metallic filaments which rub the delicate skin of the breast
. This can lead to very negative consequences, until the development of breast diseases
. In the case of my patient the danger failed to detect and prevent in time, but never mind that skimping on quality of linen - is saving on their own health! "
Tatiana Andreeva