Because of the high nervous and mental stress and information we need today, especially medicines that improve the functioning of the brain. It relates to such drugs meksidol, which is used in many diseases of the central nervous system, improves blood flow to the brain and its metabolism in tissues.
The mechanism of action mexidol
Mexidol primarily an antioxidant
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That is, it eliminates the free radicals which are separated during biochemical reactions and destroy the cells of the brain. As a result, it is improving all the metabolic processes in cells, and most importantly - the state of cell membranes through which the necessary cells and removes waste substances. Restore not only the membrane of nerve cells, but also the membrane of myocardial cells, erythrocytes, platelets.
Mexidol and energy metabolism in cells
Mexidol improves energy metabolism in the cells, causing the cells become more resistant to various external influences, they are not so easily destroyed, and the effects of stress (adaptagennoe and anti-stress effect). Good energy metabolism and promotes the fact that fewer cells need oxygen and thus may exist in relatively normal conditions of deficiency (antihypoxic effect). This is very important in acute and chronic circulatory disorders of the brain, when, due to narrowing of blood vessels to the nerve cells not getting enough blood, and therefore oxygen. Under normal conditions, an acute shortage of ischemic stroke ends, that is the withering away of brain tissue, but mexidol can prevent this process.
Mexidol and cholesterol metabolism
The positive impact has mexidol and cholesterol metabolism: under its influence decreases in the number of blood total cholesterol and "bad", which is deposited in the blood vessels as atherosclerotic plaques. Under the influence of mexidol atherosclerotic process can go back, that it will certainly have a positive impact not only on the state of the brain, but also on the condition of blood vessels, and hence the whole body (anti-sclerotic effect).
Mexidol and vessels
It is very important mexidol effect on the blood vessels, especially smaller ones. They improve blood flow. Blood does not stagnate and even because of its improved rheological qualities - flowability and inhibited platelet aggregation (bonding), whereby is prevented the formation of thrombi. This quality helps with varicose veins
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and hemorrhoids
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In which there is a tendency to thrombosis (angioprotective action).
As a result of the positive impact mexidol on metabolism and blood flow to the brain is improved and higher functions - the ability to learn, memory, concentration (nootropic effect).
Mexidol widely used in drug treatment practice. It is used for poisoning by alcohol and any substance. However, he does not aggravate intoxication and poisoning, but rather sobering. When abstitentnom syndrome (hangover) miksedol removes the unpleasant symptoms of the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system, which significantly improves the overall health of patients.
The agent has a protective effect at high radiation: it protects cells from the effects of radiation by improving metabolism and stabilize cell membranes.
Application mexidol
It is used and in severe septic diseases of the abdominal cavity, during which affected the status of all organs and tissues, and especially of the abdominal cavity. Such diseases include severe acute pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis (death of tissue of the pancreas) and peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum - the thin membrane covering the inside of the entire abdominal cavity). In this case, improving blood circulation and metabolic processes in the pathological focus can be a decisive factor that will save the lives and health of the patient.
Mexidol Vosloo intake of rapidly enters the bloodstream, it is carried on a cloth and then decomposed in the liver and in the form of metabolites (products of metabolism) output through the kidneys. This turn mexidol body needs to maintain good liver function and kidney function. This drug has few contraindications, but the main one is it normal renal and hepatic function.
Mexidol not recommended during pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast, but it is due to the fact that clinical research on these groups of patients producers were not carried out.
Domestic drug mexidol is a good tool in the treatment of many diseases.
Galina Romanenko