Mexidol is a drug that improves metabolic processes in the brain cells and protects them from free radicals - toxic products of metabolism. This action allows the use mexidol a variety of diseases of the central nervous system.
How does mexidol
Mexidol is an antioxidant, meaning it inhibits the effect on the cells of free radicals formed as a result of redox reactions that can destroy cells, including nerve cells (neurons). It is available in tablets and capsules with a solution for injection, and has a multifaceted positive effects on cells of the central nervous system, improves blood supply to the brain, metabolic processes in neurons tolerability neurons lack of oxygen enhances their membrane and improves the transmission of nerve impulses from cell to cell. As a result, improved brain function, including higher, such as memory and learning ability.
The drug also has antispasmodic and sedative effect, increases the body's resistance to stress, to the effects of various damaging factors, including the lack of oxygen that can occur under such severe conditions like shock, cerebrovascular accidents, alcohol poisoning and psychoactive drugs.
Angioprotective mexidol action is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the brain due to restoration of blood circulation in the capillaries, which helps to improve blood flow, including the prevention bonding (aggregation) of platelets.
Meksidol stabilizes membranes of erythrocytes and platelets, which leads to the fact that they are less degraded by various poisons. The positive effect on fat metabolism mexidol is to lower total cholesterol and "bad" cholesterol from atherosclerotic plaques which form in the blood vessels.
The positive impact has mexidol and in acute pancreatitis: it helps to reduce the toxic products of disintegration of pancreatic tissue in the blood.
Mexidol improves carbohydrate metabolism in brain cells, contributes to the accumulation in them of energy substances such as ATP and creatine phosphate, energosinteziruyuschie activates neuronal function, strengthens cell membranes.
Mexidol adaptogenic effect is manifested in the increasing tolerance by the body of various damaging factors, such as stress
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, Shock, high psycho-emotional stress, the flow of information, traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accidents, alcohol poisoning, narcotic and toxic substances. The agent has also a sobering effect, in connection with which it is used to treat hangover syndrome in chronic alcoholism and acute alcohol poisoning. Under the influence of mexidol reduced and negative effects on the body of increased radiation.
This treatment is indicated meksidolom
Meksidol found wide application in various states. First of all it is prescribed for a variety of brain diseases, such as acute ischemic stroke - in this case mexidol promotes more rapid recovery of brain function and rehabilitation. Vascular changes in the brain and often lead to the total defeat of the brain tissue, which is called encephalopathy - in this case mexidol also help to partially restore lost function.
The work of the brain can be broken under the influence of the autonomic nervous system, which actively affect the condition of blood vessels, is expanding, then narrowing them - such as the state can be improved under the influence of mexidol.
Finally, atherosclerosis can lead to significant impairment of the central nervous system, improve meksidol cholesterol metabolism that lead to partial recovery of brain functions.
When the functional disorders of the nervous system in the form of neurosis manifests sedative effect mexidol. In conjunction with the improvement of blood circulation in brain and anti-stress effect of the drug it has positive effects on neurotic patients.
In chronic alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse
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greatly disturbed metabolism
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in the body cells, including neurons. Improving this process helps to remove abstitentny syndrome (hangover), the characteristic of these diseases. Will mexidol and alcohol poisoning.
In the combined therapy mexidol used in acute purulent inflammation of the abdominal cavity (eg, pancreatitis).
Contraindications for use mexidol are individual intolerance, severe liver or kidney disease, pregnancy and breast-feeding
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Galina Romanenko