Atheroma - it is better to remove - Treatment

October 29, 2009

  • Atheroma - it is better to remove
  • Treatment

Growth and development of atheroma

Atheroma is a soft rounded education up to 4-5 cm, mobile, painless, with clear contours. Sometimes in the middle of it noticed an increase in the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland. Atheroma grows slowly (often increases in size over the years), it is covered by the normal, sometimes a little darker than the surrounding tissue, the skin.

The inner surface is lined with squamous epithelium of atheroma, it is contained in the cavity of this mass of white color consisting of detritus (a breakdown product of the tissues), exfoliated cells of the surface layer of the skin, drops of fat, cholesterol crystals. In some cases, the atheroma has on its surface a small hole through which its contents can be allocated on the body surface. Atheroma may be multiple and a condition called atheromatosis.

Atheroma may be complicated by the addition of an infection in such cases, it is the formation of abscesses with subcutaneous abscess Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?  Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?
 , The skin over it swells and turns red, there is pain and fluctuation in (floating - a sign of the presence of pus in the cavity of the liquid). In some cases, festering atheroma may break alone, then with pus seeping out fat content, the wound heals with time passes and atheroma. Sometimes atheroma becomes hard (that is covered by dense connective tissue capsule). It is possible degeneration into a malignant tumor atheroma Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad

 Treatment | Atheroma - it is better to remove


The correct diagnosis can only be a doctor, because atheroma is similar to other benign tumors of the skin, such as a lipoma (wen) and fibroids (connective tissue tumor). In some cases, large atheroma scalp can be confused with cerebral hernia. The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of the examination, and then confirmed after removal of the tumor by means of histological examination of the removed tissue. Histological examination is mandatory when you remove all of the tumor to exclude its malignant transformation.

 Treatment | Atheroma - it is better to remove


All benign tumors are usually removed, followed by histological examination of the tissue, as it can not be a guarantee that the tumor over time, not reborn in malignant. There are various ways to remove atheroma:

  • removal of atheroma with a scalpel by its husking with capsule; Thus it is necessary to ensure that the wound is left pieces of the capsule, as they may later be a source of relapse;
  • removal of atheroma using radiosurgical device "Surgitron"; the tumor is also removed together with the capsule, with the trauma of the skin is minimized, there is no bleeding wounds heal quickly;
  • removal of atheroma using electrocoagulation; method is somewhat more traumatic and less reliable, because the wound is sometimes part of the capsule, and thus possible recurrence of the tumor;
  • atheroma autopsy, removing its contents, followed by excision of the capsule; This method is most often used in the treatment of atheroma on the face, as in the healing gets less scarring;
  • dissection and curettage Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure  Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
   atheroma - the least reliable way, which often occur after tumor recurrence.

If atheroma fester, it is opened, the contents were removed and treated with purulent wound conventional surgical method. After inflammation completely subsides (approximately one month), it is removed together with the capsule atheroma residues content.

 Treatment | Atheroma - it is better to remove

Prevention of atheroma

Atheroma is most often caused with oily skin, so in order to prevent its formation it is recommended to wash with hot soapy water, rub the skin wool, do regular cleaning of the skin Cleaning the skin - what tools should I use?  Cleaning the skin - what tools should I use?
   persons with steam baths.

In addition, for oily skin should avoid foods rich in animal fats, carbohydrate (sweet, flour), hot spices.

  Galina Romanenko

Fibroadenoma - is able to develop into cancer - Types

May 7, 2009

  • Fibroadenoma - is able to develop into cancer
  • Kinds


Types of fibroadenomas

There has been a sharp increase in the number of people who go to the doctor for benign tumors. Detection and treatment of these diseases is a priority task, since there is always a danger of the process of transition of benign to malignant.

Fibroadenoma - a benign tumor of connective and glandular tissue. Developing such a tumor is usually in the bodies of a glandular structure, such as milk, prostate, ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes. It grows slowly swelling, limitation, from the surrounding tissue capsule. In some cases, fibroadenoma can degenerate into cancer.

 Forms | fibroadenoma - is able to develop into cancer

Breast fibroadenoma

Breast fibroadenoma is a benign tumor that occurs in women aged 15-35 years. When a tumor is diagnosed in women over 35 years, it is generally considered that it has been around for a long time. The cause of fibroadenoma - hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous

Fibroadenoma usually takes the form of rounded, separated from the surrounding tissue and are easily displaced when probing node 1-3 cm in diameter. Most fibroadenomas is more, they can form in any part of the breast, but their favorite localization - verhnenaruzhnogo area of ​​the breast.

This tumor is usually not worried woman (occasionally there may be pain at the location of fibroadenomas), found it by accident or the woman, or during routine inspection. Malignant degeneration of fibroadenoma is not as common in 0, 5 - 1, 5% of cases.

The diagnosis is confirmed by the study punctate, taken from different parts of the tumor site, and ultazvukovymi and radiographic studies.

Treatment for breast fibroadenoma Breast fibroadenoma - a benign tumor that requires Observed  Breast fibroadenoma - a benign tumor that requires Observed
   operative. Held removal of the tumor together with a part of the breast (sectoral resection of the breast) and compulsory study of tissue resected tumor for the presence of malignant cells.

 Forms | fibroadenoma - is able to develop into cancer

Fibroadenoma prostate

Men more frequently adenoma - a purely glandular swelling of the prostate gland, but sometimes detect tumors and connective tissue, while tumor called a fibroadenoma. This tumor has always been considered a disease of older men, but in recent years increasingly adenoma, and began dating the age of 40.

Causes of fibroadenomas of the prostate may be a violation of hormonal background (decrease the level of male sex hormones), genetic predisposition (anatomical structures of the prostate gland), circulatory disorders, inflammation in the urethra, bladder, ureters and kidneys, irregular or promiscuous, urinary organs injuries, work related to prolonged sitting position (eg, a computer, driving), constipation and so on.

One of the first signs of the disease is a violation of urination. This can be a pain during urination, including the lumbar region, delays and false desires, "flaccid" urine stream, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen. There may also be signs of sexual dysfunction in the form of premature ejaculation Premature ejaculation: the main thing - to make a diagnosis  Premature ejaculation: the main thing - to make a diagnosis
 , Dry mouth, constipation, loss of appetite.

If untreated, this process ends with the development of acute urinary retention, where the urethra does not pass urine, bleeding from veins of the bladder and the formation of bladder stones against a background of stagnant urine.

Urination disorders should be an occasion to refer to the urologist. For diagnosis digital examination conducted rectum, during which can be detected by an enlarged prostate, laboratory (blood and urine), ultrasound and X-ray examinations.

The main treatment is surgery fibroadenoma. It applies even if the initial stages of the disease and is to remove the tumor. After surgery, restores the function of the kidneys and bladder, and sometimes restored sexual function, impaired due to the disease. Wires and conservative treatment of small tumors, but it can only do urologist, since it is possible to start the process and do not notice its transition to malignancy.

Preventing prostate fibroadenoma is enough power running, nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
 , The use of vitamins and minerals. In addition, men older than 40 years should undergo preventive checkups at the urologist, even if they have no any complaints.

  Galina Romanenko

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  • fibroadenoma
