Aevitum - a source of vitamins A and E in therapeutic doses. It helps to normalize the metabolism, restores microcirculation, the permeability of the capillary walls, improves the resistance of tissues to hypoxia. In ophthalmology used in a variety of visual impairment.

As Aevitum acts on the body of
Action Aevitum organ of the sum of the actions of the individual components on a drug. For example, vitamin A is necessary for normal functioning of the retina: binding to the red opsin pigment of the retina, it forms a visual purple rhodopsin, which is needed for normal vision in the dark.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant
Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
- It prevents damage to cell membranes by free radicals. In addition, it helps to restore the capillary (in the smallest blood vessels) circulatory permeability of the capillary walls, increases the resistance of fabrics to the lack of oxygen (hypoxia). With this action, vitamin E actively affects the state of the fundus blood vessels, thereby improving the power supply (trophism) of all membranes of the eye.

Aevitum retinal vascular changes
Pathological processes in the retina are always connected with the violation of the microcirculation in the vessels of the fundus, which can develop in a number of diseases and conditions - hypertension (high blood pressure is stable), toxicosis of second half of pregnancy (preeclampsia), diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
and so on. Against this background, there are changes in the permeability of the vascular wall with access to the retinal tissue of blood, edema formation, haemorrhage and so on. The defeat of the capillary system is insufficient supply of oxygen (hypoxia) of the retina, leading to its further violations.
The treatment of vascular disorders of vision must be complex. Including in the complex treatment includes the appointment of Aevitum. Vitamin E, included in its composition, positive effect on the retinal vessels decreases the permeability of the walls, which means swelling of the tissues of the fundus, the retina begins to get more oxygen, which helps to improve vision. Vitamin A improves the nerve cells of the retina. The combined effects of Aevitum improves vision.

Aevitum in hereditary pigmentary retinal dystrophy
Aevitum used for the treatment of retinitis pigmentosa, which have a hereditary origin. Fully disease is not yet understood, it is believed that the cause of his multiple sclerosis is the choroid, a lack of vitamin A, a variety of hormones, toxic and infectious factors.
The earliest change in the retina is the destruction of the cells of the neuroepithelium (rods and cones) until their complete disappearance. These changes occur first on the periphery of the retina, but gradually extended to its central departments. All this results in impaired vision.
The disease is mainly seen in the age of thirty. Usually affects both eyes. The first sign of pigmentary retinal dystrophy is a decrease in vision in the dark (day-blindness), then there are defects in the visual fields (for example, suffers from peripheral vision), visual acuity is disturbed, there are changes in the fundus. The disease progresses slowly and can result in blindness.
When pigmented retinal dystrophy in the complex treatment is almost always included Aevitum
Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention
. Vitamin A helps to improve the state of the neuroepithelium (rods and cones), and vitamin E improves blood circulation in the capillaries, which prevents the progression of the disease.

Aevitum at xerophthalmia
Xerophthalmia called drying of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye. This condition develops with burns, some infectious diseases of the eye (for example, after trachoma), as well as a lack of vitamin A. There xerophthalmia due to lesions of the mucous glands of the conjunctiva - it leads to metabolic disorders
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
these eye membranes, premature keratinization and rejection of their surface layers and their replacement by connective tissue.
It manifested the disease constant sensation of a foreign body in the eye, itching, burning, photophobia, and decreased visual acuity. Aevitum designated as a course of treatment, able to stop the spread of and partially restore impaired vision.

Aevitum at keratomalacia
Keratomalacia - the defeat of the cornea with its melting. Develops Keratomalacia with insufficient intake of vitamin A. One of the earliest manifestations of this disease is the loss of gloss of the cornea. Then it may become turbid, milky, and shows the erosion and ulcers. Sometimes this disease spreads very quickly, within one or two days, resulting in the melting of the cornea and its perforation with the fallout of the lens.
Aevitum then administered both inside and intramuscularly in the complex treatment.
Aevitum often prescribed for eye diseases, but may do so only by a doctor.
Galina Romanenko