Under the influence of unfavorable climatic factors, we always have something to protect: the hair from the wind and sun, the skin from pollution and UV. We go to gyms to keep the village in good shape; we abstain from chocolate and pastries, not to earn extra weight; we drink two liters of water a day to maintain the water balance in the body. Everything we do, everything is aimed at maintaining the power and beauty. Do we care about the beauty and power of the eye? And what to do to stay sharp vision and look clean and clear?

Recommendations and hygiene rules
- See your doctor regularly
Even with perfect vision every few years should visit an ophthalmologist to check the state of the eye in order to avoid more serious problems in a latent state. Even if you do not notice any problems with your vision, the ophthalmologist can see the small changes that indicate an eye disease. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you should be checked regularly have contact an ophthalmologist or general ophthalmologist in order to avoid any abnormal processes.
- Wear sunglasses year round
Every time you leave the house, it is necessary to wear sunglasses. Ultraviolet rays damage the retina of the eye that can lead to cataracts. Doctors recommend wear sunglasses in cloudy days, because radiation penetrates through the clouds. Quality sunglasses should block 100% of UV rays UVA and UVB. It is best suited glasses, repeating the shape of the head to the sun's rays do not penetrate even the sides. Even if you wear lenses with protection from the sun, it is best to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
- Learn to cope with dry eyes
Normally, we blink to fifteen times a minute, but sitting at the computer, we do it three times less, which leads to dry eyes - a condition in which there is irritation, excessive dryness of the eye or excessive tearing. Also in dry eye may result in autoimmune diseases and various drugs such as antihistamines. To relieve symptoms, apply a warm towel to the eyes in the morning after waking up. Keep a bottle of "artificial tears". If you use them more frequently than every two hours, preservative-free to choose the means.
- Do not abuse the contact lenses
Give your eyes a rest from contact lenses
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- From time to time wear glasses. Do not sleep in the lenses. Clean the lens with fresh solution, wipe them to get rid of potential irritants. Clean container for lenses and change it every two to three months. If your eyes become red, watery, become sensitive to light, or you start to see worse, go to the glasses and see a doctor.
Always remove your makeup before going to bed
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Particularly mascara. If you suffer from dry eyes, avoid eye shadow with glitter, as they can increase irritation, especially if you wear contact lenses. If you use mascara every day, change it every two months to avoid bacterial growth. If you experience eye infection, replace all the cosmetics for the eyes, not to be infected again. Important: You can not use someone else's makeup and give in their use. Personal hygiene eye protection - above all else.
- Wear safety glasses to perform economic affairs
Approximately half of the cases of eye injuries occur in the home. Wear safety glasses (with side shields) when mowing the lawn, chopping wood, working with a drill and other works in which small particles can get into the eyes. Also, eye protection is required when working with hazardous chemical compounds, for example, means for cleaning the plate. Protective goggles are recommended when playing in the casino, and extreme sports.
- Take a break while working on the computer
The computer itself is not harmful to the eyes, but causes eye fatigue. When using the monitor for hours persons vision focuses on one subject. This is unnatural - for example, when we walk constantly changing the focus of view. Every twenty minutes, is recommended to make a break for twenty seconds, and look into the distance. This helps change the focus and relax the eye muscles.
- Eat foods that are useful for the eyes
Products containing vitamins C and E, zinc, lutein and omega-3 fatty acids have properties to reduce the risk of diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (of AMD) and cataracts
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. These products include citrus fruits, dark green vegetables, oily fish. Persons with increased risk of AMD, for example, in case of this disease history or family history, can consult the doctor about the need of supplementation
Food additives - basic classification
. People who suffer from dry eyes may also feel better, add to your diet in omega-3 fatty acids.

Ugly symptoms
If you have symptoms such as pain or decreased vision in one eye, redness of the eyes, does not pass in two days, the occurrence of sensitivity to light or discharge from the eyes, it is a signal to see a doctor for treatment. The sooner you see your doctor, the better chance you have to save the sight and get rid of possible infections, injuries or diseases of the eye.