The maxillary sinuses are located in the head region in the vicinity of the eye sockets (they are separated by only a thin bone sockets partition) and brain. With all the organs located in the head region, maxillary sinuses associated circulatory and lymphatic system. Therefore, the inflammatory process can always pass away on the brain, the organs of vision, hearing, and so on.
Why can begin complications of sinusitis
Most sinusitis no complications as the body's defenses (immune system) does not allow the infection to spread. However, complications can occur, and they are in the absence of timely adequate therapy for acute sinusitis
Acute sinusitis - occurs as the inflammatory process
against the background of reduced immunity. Such a situation may arise, for example, if complicated sinusitis during viral infection, weakening the body. The infection can spread to other organs either directly through the affected tissues or through blood vessels.
But more often there are complications in chronic sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health
As well as any long flowing inflammatory process leads to disruption of the immune system. Toxic effects on the autonomic nervous system can lead to the disruption of the internal organs, which it innervates, and especially the cardiovascular system. Because of the constant focus of infection can spread through the blood to distant organs, causing infectious and allergic processes, for example, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), rheumatism and so on.
Complications of the organs of vision
The body of (the eyeball, together with its appendages - the muscles, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, the lacrimal gland) is located in the orbit or orbit - a bone in the skull cavity. From orbit sinus separates only a thin bony septum, so the infection in the sinus can go to the organ of vision in the local spread of the inflammatory process.
There may be various complications of the organ of vision: from the jet (friendly, in response to an inflammatory process in the adjacent body) tissue edema of the orbit and eyelids to inflammatory processes in soft tissue and bony walls of the orbit and its vein thrombosis. In recent years, the number of complications in the orbit of the eye in sinusitis increases by reducing the sensitivity of the pathogens to antibiotics. In addition, the percent of sinusitis caused by viral and fungal pathogens which often provide local complications.
Very often local complications develop sinusitis in children, which is characterized by inadequate general and local immunity. When purulent sinusitis
Purulent sinusitis - how to prevent the disease
in violation of the outflow of fluid from the inflammation of the maxillary sinus infection risk transfer orbit is greatly increased. The infection can pass both by contact and through small blood vessels, causing catarrhal (purulent) or purulent inflammation of soft tissues and bones of the eye socket.
At the same time there are redness and swelling of the eyelids, pain with pressure on the eye socket, limited mobility or protrusion of the eyeball, visual disturbances associated with optic neuritis. If there is festering, the temperature may be low, and the general condition of the patient is not disturbed. At purulent processes in the area of the orbit the patient's condition can be extremely difficult, with very high fever, vomiting, impaired consciousness.
Local complications of other organs
Infection of the maxillary sinus can go on the organ of hearing, which is also located in the neighborhood. Most often in this case, the inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media). Otitis as a complication of sinusitis is prolonged, difficult to treat and is accompanied by hearing loss. When purulent otitis high fever, the patient's condition deteriorates. But often these occur otitis erased without pronounced symptoms.
It may also develop osteomyelitis (inflammation of bone tissue) of the upper jaw, which has symptoms similar to the symptoms of purulent lesions of the orbit. Condition in this case can be very difficult.
Local complications include optic neuritis of the trigeminal nerve and flowing with severe pain and difficult to treat
Intracranial complications of sinusitis
Such complications are rare. They can also be purulent and purulent (catarrhal). This swelling of the meninges caused by infectious process, serous or purulent meningitis
Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
, Meningoencephalitis, an inflammation of the veins (phlebitis), the dura mater with the development of sepsis and brain abscess.
Such complications are manifested by a sharp rise in temperature, severe headache, vomiting, stiff (voltage) neck, impaired consciousness.
Sinusitis must be diagnosed and treated in time, otherwise it may give many complications.
Galina Romanenko