Medicines for angina - than to treat illness? - Preparations

March 23, 2014

  • Medicines for angina - than to treat illness?
  • Preparations
  • Facilities

 drugs against angina

Preparations against angina

Biseptolum - a drug which includes trimethoprim (a substance from the group of inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase), and sulfamethoxazole. Currently Biseptol angina is rarely used - only in those cases where, for whatever reason, can not take the medication of first choice. Before taking Biseptolum you must tell your doctor if you are allergic to any component of this medication, diuretics, antidiabetic drugs, if you are taking methotrexate or warfarin Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants  Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants
 If you have liver or kidney disease, asthma, severe allergic reactions have been in the past, if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant in the near future. Since Biseptol makes the skin more sensitive to UV light during the course of treatment is recommended to reduce the time spent under the open sky on a sunny day, refrain from visiting the tanning beds and use sunscreen. Biseptolum can cause side effects such as upset stomach, vomiting and lack of appetite. In rare cases, patients taking this drug, there is a skin rash, itching, sore throat, fever and joint pain Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
 ; If you experience these side effects, contact your doctor immediately.



Geksoral - it is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent, which is sold in the form of aerosols or solutions. It can be applied with angina caused by both bacteria and some fungal organisms, such as Candida. Geksoral angina is used for gargling, as well as a spray that is applied to the inflammation of the tonsils. It is practically no side effects, but people who take it for a long time can be reduced sensitivity to taste; after treatment she recovered.


Iodinol angina

Iodinol - is an antiseptic agent which is a reaction product of iodine and polyvinyl alcohol. It is used in patients with chronic angina Chronic tonsillitis - especially diseases  Chronic tonsillitis - especially diseases
   - Using this drug washed gaps tonsils inhabited by bacteria that cause chronic inflammation.


Klatsid angina

The active ingredient in the composition is klatsid clarithromycin - macrolide antibiotic. It is used to treat many diseases affecting the respiratory system, including angina. Before you start taking klatsid, be sure to tell your doctor if you have any of the following diseases: liver disease, kidney disease, porphyria, electrolyte imbalance, and heart disease. Klatsid side effects may include: the emergence of an unusual taste in the mouth, tooth discoloration, headaches, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, skin rash or itching.



Lizobakt - is an antiseptic drug, which is shown for thrush, stomatitis, and a number of other diseases that affect the oral cavity. It has not been set, whether lizobakt effective in angina, but in some cases it is used not only for the treatment of bacterial, viral and angina.



Lugol - antiseptic, which is a solution of iodine and known since the 19th century. Lugol angina can be used to relieve symptoms and speed up the healing process, but in severe cases, it can not replace antibiotics. In general, it is safe, but sometimes it can cause side effects such as skin irritation, sleep problems Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Palpitations, excessive sweating.


Macropen angina

This drug belongs to the macrolide antibiotics. For the treatment of angina macrofoams rarely used in cases where a patient penicillin is contraindicated - and even then often prescribe other macrolides, such as azithromycin or erythromycin. Macropen is contraindicated in patients with renal and liver failure, and hypersensitivity to the drug.


Streptocide angina

Streptocide - an antibacterial agent which is used for angina, usually in tablet form. It can be useful for milder forms of bacterial sore throats; with severe streptocid most likely can not cope.


Supraks angina

The active ingredient in the composition is an antibiotic cefixime supraksa. Before starting take this medication against angina, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs (especially antibiotics) if you are taking anticoagulants, you have liver disease, kidney or stomach, you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you have to any operation (including dental), be sure to tell the surgeon or dentist that you take supraks. As with virtually all other antibacterial drugs for angina, supraks can cause stomach upset, diarrhea, vomiting and headache and rash.

Medicines for angina - than to treat illness? - Facilities

March 23, 2014

  • Medicines for angina - than to treat illness?
  • Preparations
  • Facilities

 funds from angina

Funds from angina

Furatsilin - effective antiseptic used on burns, bedsores and other skin lesions. Unfortunately, there are strains of bacteria that are resistant to this drug. Furatsilin angina Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?  Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
   It can be used for gargling; before using consult your doctor.

Chlorhexidine - another preservative which is produced in the form of suppositories, gels and solutions. Chlorhexidine is used in angina for gargling; this solution is suitable for the 0.05%.


Chlorophyllipt angina

This drug based on plant components has antimicrobial action, and is widely used in the treatment of angina as a means for gargling. Unlike many other antiseptics, it is considered an effective remedy against staphylococci, although there is no scientific evidence to say with certainty that hlorofillipt - an effective remedy for sore throats caused by staphylococci: the disease often occurs in very severe and requires antibiotic treatment.


Ceftriaxone angina

Ceftriaxone - an antibiotic produced in the form of a solution for intravenous injection and vnutrmyshechnyh. When angina it is used rarely and usually only for the treatment of severe forms of the disease. It can cause side effects such as dizziness, headache, pain, or tenderness at the site of the skin where the injection was given, hot flashes, sweating, diarrhea. The daily dose of the drug for angina adults can be 1-2g, children - from 20 to 80 mg per kilogram of body weight.



Ciprofloxacin angina (trade name - tsiprolet). This drug is an antibiotic from the group of fluoroquinolones. Ciprofloxacin is used in angina is rare, in severe forms of the infection, and it is not possible the use of antibiotics penicillin group. Your doctor may prescribe tsiprolet angina only after the analysis of, and established pathogen. Side effects of ciprofloxacin may be diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Dizziness, headache, weakness, in some cases - problems with vision, urticaria, and angioedema.


What medications to take with angina caused by viruses

  • Malavit - is an antiseptic agent which can be used in certain bacterial infections, but it is often used in the treatment of viral diseases that affect the respiratory tract. Malavit in angina used for making tools for gargling (2 to 10 drops per 100 ml). Before applying The Family is recommended to consult with your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Miramistin angina can also be used for gargling. It has an antiseptic effect, and is safe for most people, including pregnant women.
  • Rotokan - a natural product extracts of chamomile, calendula and yarrow. To prepare a solution for gargling, to be mixed with 5 ml Rotokan 200 ml of warm water. Rotokan angina effectively softens the throat, relieves pain, and substances that are part of the extracts of medicinal plants, prevents the growth of pathogens.

In addition, you can use non-prescription drugs to relieve the symptoms of angina Symptoms of angina - obvious and recognizable  Symptoms of angina - obvious and recognizable
 . Probably the safest pain reliever for sore throat - a paracetamol; it can be accepted as healthy adults and children as well as pregnant and lactating women (however, during pregnancy and lactation before taking any drug still better to consult a doctor). Aspirin, paracetamol unlike not only alleviates pain and reduces the temperature but also has anti-inflammatory effects; By the way, it is best to take a soluble aspirin - hard to swallow tablets for angina can be quite difficult. Children under the age of 16 and women in late pregnancy aspirin is contraindicated. Other effective analgesic and antipyretic drugs for angina: ibuprofen, diclofenac Diclofenac - relieve inflammation and pain  Diclofenac - relieve inflammation and pain

Finally, probably the best remedy for angina - is bed rest: it increases the chances of a quick recovery no matter what medications you are taking - not for nothing that the doctors recommend plenty of rest, enough sleep and avoid strenuous exercise for patients of all ages, and in all kinds of angina .

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  • treatment of angina
