Mentoplasty - how to correct the chin?

February 18, 2010

  • Mentoplasty - how to correct the chin?
  • Transaction

 Mentoplasty - one of the varieties of plastic surgery aimed at correcting the shape of the chin. Mentoplasty by correcting chin bone involves changing the shape of the chin to the individual wishes of the patient and, if necessary, reducing or, conversely, the allocation of Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
   chin. In some cases, the plastic chin involves placing a special implant. Indications for Mentoplasty very much: it is quite natural discontent own appearance, and any kind of deformation of the chin, congenital or caused by injuries.

Mentoplasty - the procedure being followed, primarily aesthetic purposes and, by and large, designed to improve the appearance. Particularly relevant mentoplasty at microgeny - congenital or acquired defect, which is caused by too small, sloping sharply down his chin. Mentoplasty procedure can effectively change the shape of the chin, make it more prominent, correct appearance. In addition, mentoplasty can be shown at any chin deformities caused by trauma, or to correct a too prominent double chin.

 Mentoplasty - how to correct the chin?

Performing Mentoplasty

The specificity and duration of the procedure depends on what goals mentoplasty - chin augmentation, correction of its shape or, conversely, decrease the chin requires fundamentally different methods Mentoplasty.

If you want to increase the size of the chin and change its shape is most often used mentoplasty with placing a special prosthesis. This procedure assumes that the execution of the cut in the mouth, in the area between the lower lip and gum, or perform external incision in the chin area, whose length can be up to three to four centimeters. Regardless of the nature of the cut remaining after undergoing surgery scar is almost invisible - in the case of an external incision remaining postoperative scar is located in the chin crease and almost invisible. In some cases, to achieve the most natural form of chin requires a redistribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue that fills the void.

Mentoplasty procedure with the placement of the implant is performed under local anesthesia with the simultaneous use of intravenous sedation, and the procedure lasts an average of twenty to thirty minutes. By the usual daily routine after Mentoplasty the patient can go back on the same day - length of stay does not exceed three to four hours after the operation. The rehabilitation period requires compliance with minimum rules: for one to two weeks is not recommended any load on the lower jaw, including intense chewing movements with the use of hard, rough food.

 Mentoplasty - how to correct the chin?

Elimination of double chin

Another type Mentoplasty - a procedure to remove a double chin, a slightly more complex than the deployment of the implant. By itself, the procedure can take anywhere from a half to two hours and involves tightening deformed or weak neck muscles, weakening which leads to the appearance of the characteristic of a double chin. The effect is achieved by tightening the specific method of liposculpture, involves excision of excess skin in the neck while removing or redistribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue in order to achieve as natural, harmonious shape of the chin. In the case of prominent chin applies not cut or removing tissue and bone.

The period of rehabilitation after such a procedure is short and is accompanied by the typical side effects - in particular, minor swelling, discomfort or mild pain. All Mentoplasty side effects usually disappear on their own within three to four days without requiring any specific treatment.

 Mentoplasty - how to correct the chin?

Side effects of plastic chin - risks and complications

Depending on the complexity of the plastic surgery, the patient may prohibit moving jaw. That is, it can not even be chewed. In such a case, would be affected by a person's habits with respect to supply. About two weeks after the surgery the patient can not eat solid food. He'll only eat liquids, such as juices.

  • If a chin implant is inserted, there is the possibility of displacement of the implant. In this case, the patient will feel very uncomfortable, and its appearance has deteriorated.
  • After plastic surgery on his chin should avoid all kinds of sports, especially in the initial stages of healing. After all healed, it should still avoid some sports involving hard contact, such as boxing.
  • Like any other surgery, plastic chin can cause infection. If infection has occurred, it may be necessary to remove the implant in order to avoid deterioration.
  • Temporary problems after surgery include discomfort, swelling, less bruising, numbness of the chin and lower lip.

Plastic chin takes a long time to recover. And even after a long time can be visible scars.

Breast Implants - what types are the most popular?

February 1, 2009

  • Breast Implants - what types are the most popular?
  • Difficult choice

 Breast Implants
 Very often women are not satisfied with their breasts and seek to add to their form some adjustments. Breast Implants - is an operation during which the increase or decrease in breast size, and changing its shape.


Augmentation Breast Implants

During this procedure, breast implants are placed - thus, breast increase and become more symmetric. Such an operation may be necessary if a woman does not suit the nature of the small size of the breast, as well as to restore the size and shape of the breast after pregnancy or sudden weight loss.

If the patient wants to breast became higher and elastic, will also require a breast lift.

At this time, the effective increase in breast size is possible only mammoplasty; there are no other treatments or drugs that can give a similar effect.


Suitable for this operation

To get the approval of a doctor on the mammoplasty, a woman should not have any medical conditions that may complicate the healing process after surgery and / or lead to life-threatening. Non-smoking women average transfer operation itself and the recovery period is better than smoking. In addition, a woman must be assured that it wants to improve its appearance in this way - however, this is largely a problem of the patient rather than the doctor.
  Risks associated with surgery: infection, loss of sensation, accumulation of blood in the chest and the need for drainage, complications related to anesthesia.


How is this operation

Once you have passed all the necessary consultations and surveys, we discuss with your doctor the method of operation and the selected implants, appointed date of the transaction. Immediately before the surgery, the surgeon marks the areas on which it will make cuts, but also makes photos for further evaluation. Thereafter the local anesthetic is administered to the patient (sometimes also give a sedative), and starts operation.

The most common incision during surgery made under the breast, in the armpit or on the nipple. Selecting the location of the cut depends on the desired size of the breast Breast size - does it matter?  Breast size - does it matter?
 , The structural features of the body of the patient, the type of implant and the doctor's decision. Working through the incision, the doctor will create a "pocket" under the pectoral muscle or chest wall. The implant will be placed inside the pocket, and then the incision is closed. The result of breast augmentation Breast augmentation plastic surgery breast health perspective  Breast augmentation plastic surgery breast health perspective
   noticeable visible immediately. Over time, post-surgical swelling will go; Scars will fade much more slowly.


Recovery after surgery

After completion of the operation, the doctor makes a bandage that will need to wear a few weeks or days - depending on the complexity of the operation. In addition, you will need to wear a special bra to reduce swelling.

After five to ten days, some joints are removed, after which you can return to your work, if it does not involve strenuous exercise. Discomfort is fully held only a few weeks; noticeably pale scars after a few months, but never will go completely.


Reduction mammoplasty

Another type of mammoplasty - a breast reduction, or reduction mammoplasty. This procedure is used to remove excess fat and other tissues of the chest. Reduction mammoplasty may be needed to relieve discomfort or to achieve a breast size proportional to the patient's body. The first step towards such an operation is a consultation with a plastic surgeon. We need to understand what difficulties are associated with this operation, as well as get a realistic idea of ​​the possibilities of plastic surgery.

Breast reduction can help solve problems such as:

  • Sagging breasts and skin stretching
  • Chronic pain in the back, neck and shoulders
  • Chronic rashes and / or irritation of the skin under the breast
  • Poor posture
  • Mobility limitation due to the very large size of the breast
  • Low self-esteem and related psychological problems
  • The difficulty with the choice of clothes and underwear

Make breast reduction can be at any age - in some cases, make it even teenagers, although usually experts recommend to wait until the breasts develop fully.

Complications of breast reduction surgery Breast reduction: the problem the other way around  Breast reduction: the problem the other way around

  • Loss of sensitivity of the nipple and areola
  • Scarring
  • Difficulties during breastfeeding
  • The asymmetry of the size, shape and / or position of the teats, of which might require further operations to improve the appearance of breast
  • Allergic reactions to medications used during or after surgery.

Women with high body mass index wound healing after surgery can be difficult.
