Surgical methods of weight control in the vast majority are not so much cosmetic as healing. But this treatment is carried out only for patients with severe forms of obesity when all the possible ways of non-surgical treatments do not help.

What is the surgical methods of weight correction
Surgical methods for the correction weight mean operation on the gastro-intestinal tract, which leads to a decrease in food intake, or a reduction of its absorption in the intestine. Sometimes it is a consequence of the operation, and then, and more.
Liposuction is not a weight control methods - a method of correction of body contours and weight-loss clinics in the good it does not apply. Although some clinics advertise it as a method of weight loss (which indicates their lack of professionalism).
To surgical methods of weight loss include:
- introduction of intragastric balloon;
- gastric banding;
- bypass surgery.
Operations are carried out surgical correction of weight only to patients with obesity as the excess weight is not less than thirty kilograms. The purpose of these operations is a significant reduction in body weight, quality of life, preventing the threat of premature death.
Operations surgical correction weight contraindicated:
- gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
- during pregnancy;
- for various kinds of chemical dependency (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse), and severe mental illness
Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?
- malignant tumors;
- with severe diseases of the internal organs in violation of their functions.

Introduction intragastric balloon
Intragastric balloon inserted into the gastric cavity in order to reduce its volume. Himself balloon is a silicone balloon completely neutral with respect to human tissues. The volume of the cylinder is equal to four hundred - seven hundred milliliters, he is filled with the usual tinted saline. The introduction of the balloon does not require surgery, it is done on an outpatient basis using a special optical equipment - gastroscope.
The balloon is set for a period of several months. During this time the patient gets used to receive a small amount of food that gives him a feeling of satiety, as the balloon is constantly irritating the stomach receptors, thus acts on the satiety center located in the brain.
Removing the cylinder is performed under general anesthesia in a few months. After a short break, if the weight starts to grow again, the balloon can be set again and do it as many times as required. The method is safe and harmless. Sometimes the balloon inside the stomach bursts and output yourself naturally. At the same colors in the color of urine, which was colored saline.

Gastric banding
Gastric banding - is the imposition of an inflatable silicone ring (spray) separating the stomach into two unequal parts. Ring overlaps a few centimeters below the entrance to the stomach, forming thus small ventricle, which may enter a limited amount of food, causing a feeling of satiety in the patient. The ring is not completely blocks out of small ventricle and the food in small portions gradually enters the gastrointestinal tract.
Balloon control port placed under the skin in the chest and connected to it a thin rubber tube. This banding is adjustable. Banding is not immediately begin to function after the surgery should go at least two months, and all tissues must bounce back. Thereafter the input port saline balloon inflates and compresses the stomach.
Over time, as the patient gets used to receive small amounts of food, you can remove the cartridge, but it will take another abdominal surgery.

Shunt surgery
This is the most difficult, but also an effective way of surgical correction of weight, which is carried out for health reasons. Conducted various operations of this kind. But the most developed and adopted around the world considered to be an operation during which the stomach is divided into two parts: small and large. From a small part of bypassing part of the small intestine is imposed shunt through which food enters directly into a specific intestine.
This operation is attained a decrease of incoming food and reducing its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Operations of this kind are the most effective and used for severe obesity, when no other methods do not help weight control, obesity and a threat to the life of the patient.
Weight correction surgical techniques performed strictly for medical reasons, and in any case not only at the request of the patient.
Galina Romanenko