What if the birth of a child prevents the female or male infertility? It turns out that in our time might make her own child in almost all forms of infertility. What exactly have to do, you tell a gynecologist after careful thorough examination of both spouses. Female infertility may be a primary (if a woman has never been pregnant) and secondary (if you have already had at least one pregnancy). The most common cause of secondary infertility
Causes of secondary infertility - that affect fertility potential of women
a first abortion.
Female infertility can occur for different reasons, the most common are: violation of the hormone the brain or the ovaries, early menopause (40-45 years), polycystic ovary syndrome, impaired patency of the cervical canal (cervical mucus is too thick and the sperm can not overcome this obstacle, sometimes it happens in the erosion of the cervix), obstruction of the fallopian tubes (the inflammatory process, a congenital anomaly), the scars on the surface of the ovary (the effects of infections and operations), follicle ruptures and the egg remains in the ovary (the most common cause of unexplained infertility) violation structure uterus (congenital diseases with the growth of tissue, such as myoma, endometriosis, etc.), constant stress which may cause menstrual irregularities and infertility.
Male infertility is also the primary (pregnancy does not occur none partner) and secondary (if there was at least one pregnancy). Male infertility may occur if impaired sperm motility, their development, the structure, the amount of semen released if there is an obstacle in the male genital organs for the promotion of sperm, difficulty with ejaculation, as well as varicose veins of the scrotum (varicocele).
In vitro fertilization - a way out when persistent infertility
In vitro fertilization (IVF) - a fertilization of the egg outside the woman's body. After fertilization the embryo (embryo) is transferred into the uterus.
Indications for the treatment of infertility using IVF are:
- tubal infertility caused by the absence or obstruction of the fallopian tubes
Obstruction of the fallopian tubes - asymptomatic
- endocrine infertility including polycystic ovaries, in the absence of pregnancy within a year after the start of medical treatment;
- endometriosis
Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
- Infertility caused by unknown reasons (after the test);
- male sterility (decreased sperm quality).
Inspection before the IVF procedure
Before the procedure, be sure to check the condition of IVF reproductive system of both women and men. For this purpose, laboratory diagnostic methods (determination of hormonal levels, identifying latent infections, the study of sperm), radiographic, ultrasonic methods, with which you can identify all the possible diseases and establish the cause of infertility.
What is IVF
IVF procedure begins with the preparation of the body of women: the regulation of the menstrual cycle is carried out so that the time of ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
(to the egg retrieval) can be controlled. For this purpose drugs that suppress the production of hormones of their own women.
The next stage - the stimulation phase, during which stimulates the maturation of multiple eggs in the ovaries. Watching the maturation of the follicles is performed using ultrasound. This phase is necessary to obtain a large number of mature eggs, which increases the chance of fertilization. Stimulation is carried out hormones that are selected individually for each married couple, according to the survey results.
After maturation of oocytes is carried out by means of a fence puncture (puncture) of the follicle, which is done under ultrasound guidance through the vagina. The future father at this time delivers the semen, which is subjected to special treatment. Fertilization by sperm occurs in vitro: the egg and the sperm are together in an incubator for several days. At this time conducted monitoring their division and selection of the most viable embryos.
Embryo transfer into the uterine cavity by a special catheter through the cervix to a second, third or fifth day after the puncture of the follicles are transferred typically two (or more) embryo. If you then remain viable embryos, they are frozen and later used when the transferred embryos are not accustomed.
After the introduction of the embryo in the uterine wall for two weeks is assigned a hormone that supports pregnancy (progesterone). Two weeks later, a woman gives blood on HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin - a hormone of pregnancy) to determine whether the pregnancy. If the pregnancy, it was observed up to the birth.
But sometimes it happens that the number of IVF procedures were negative - pregnancy has not occurred. In such cases there is even more delicate procedure - ICSI technique, which consists in the fact that a single sperm with the help of the finest micro-needle is injected into the egg.
If you have infertility, do not worry, in most cases, the persistent examination and treatment of a woman unable to become pregnant.
Galina Romanenko