Ketorol tablet - always help relieve mild pain
November 21 2011
Ketorol tablets prescribed for moderate pain of various localization. This can be joint pain
Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
In the spine, headache, toothache, pain associated with gynecological diseases. Tablets ketorol used for a long time and to do them well known.
How does ketorol tablets
Ketorol (INN - ketorolac) - a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with pronounced analgesic properties. In many pharmaceutical companies ketorolac sold under the name: adolor, Dolak, dolomin, ketalgin, ketanov, ketorolac, ketorolac-Verte, ketorolac tromethamine, ketofril, ketrodol, NATO, Toradol, torolak.
Ketorolac is one of the most powerful analgesic NSAIDs, the effect of which is comparable with the effect of narcotic analgesics. After contact ketorol inside it is absorbed into the blood enters the tissues and inhibits the activity of an enzyme which participates in the formation of arachidonic acid - from it further formed prostaglandins - substances which "organize" an inflammatory process accompanied by pain and fever.
But not all prostaglandins are involved in inflammation, some of them performs other functions, such as protecting the gastric mucosa against various impacts. Therefore, today available NSAIDs that selectively inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins only involved in inflammatory processes and much less influence on the synthesis of prostaglandins which protect the gastric mucosa.
Ketorol belongs to the first generation of NSAIDs that inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins, so it should not take long - may be erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach wall.
For the same reason it is not used during childbirth - the beginning of birth is associated with prostaglandins, and if they are not enough, the delayed deliveries.
Another important side effect ketorol is suppression of the synthesis of blood platelets, which may result in increased bleeding. In ketorol there are other side effects, so it assigns a doctor.
To appoint ketorol tablets
Ketorol - a strong analgesic, so even tablets it is used in the treatment of sufficiently intense pain caused by, for example, inflammation and pain in the joints and spine (arthritis, spondylitis) during the exacerbation of these diseases.
Assign ketorol tablets and severe pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea), pain in the postoperative period and trauma ketorol pills can be combined with the introduction of narcotic painkillers.
Furthermore, ketorol tablets administered at a toothache, pain in the ear related to inflammation of the middle ear pain along peripheral nerves (neuralgia) and moderate pain localizing any other.
Ketorolac tablets prescribed for adults only and for no longer than a week, if adopted ketorol course.
But it can be used as an anesthetic and a one-time fee.
Contraindications pills ketorol
Contraindications for the purpose of tablets ketorol are idiosyncrasy of the drug and other NSAIDs, allergy in the form of asthma attacks at any NSAIDs (aspirin asthma), any allergic reactions when taking the tablets ketorol, hypovolemia (insufficient blood volume) and dehydration (dehydration) of any origin, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in acute ulcerative colitis, reduced clotting ability of the blood, abnormal liver function and kidney function, concomitant use of other NSAIDs, conditions after injuries and operations when a high risk of bleeding, pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feeding, age up to 16 years.
Side effects that may occur when taking tablets ketorol
Possible side effects:
- from the gastrointestinal tract - stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal distension, stomatitis, flatulence, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa with its walls of the gastrointestinal tract perforation and internal bleeding;
- of the liver and biliary tract - jaundice, hepatitis
Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
, Enlarged liver, acute inflammation of the pancreas;
- by the kidneys and urinary tract - renal dysfunction, pain, blood and protein in the urine, hemolytic uremic syndrome (hemolytic anemia, renal failure, thrombocytopenia purpura), frequent urination, inflammation of the kidneys, edema of renal origin;
- from respiratory - bronchospasm, respiratory disorders, runny nose, swelling of the throat;
- the central nervous system - headache, dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness or, conversely, hyperactivity and irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
, Depression, hallucinations, and sometimes even psychosis, aseptic (non-infectious origin) meningitis
Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
, Hearing loss and vision, ringing in the ears;
- the part of the circulatory system - high blood pressure, pulmonary edema;
- from the blood - thrombocytopenia (reduced platelet count), anemia, eosinophilia (an increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood - a sign of sensitization), leukopenia (reduction in the number of white blood cells - decreased immunity);
- Allergic reactions of immediate and delayed type;
- Other side effects - swelling of the lower extremities, weight gain, increased sweating, swelling of the tongue, fever.
Galina Romanenko
Gonartroz 2 degrees: how to overcome the disease
May 15, 2014
- Gonartroz 2 degrees: how to overcome the disease
- Treatment
Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint, which is also called gonartrozom - is widespread, especially among the elderly, the violation of which can lead to deformation of joints (hence the name of the disease), and disability. Gonartroz 2 degrees of the knee - a mild form of the disease, which has often causes more or less severe pain in the knees, and may impose certain restrictions on human activity, but does not lead to a significant reduction in quality of life.
Types gonartroza 2 degrees:
- Right hand gonartroz 2 degrees - deforming arthrosis, striking the right knee;
- Left-gonartroz 2 degrees - a disease causing damage in the left knee;
- Unilateral gonartroz - arthrosis, hitting only one tribe;
- Bilateral gonartroz
Gonartroz - what could be the consequences of the destruction of cartilage
2 degree - arthrosis of both knee joints. Typically, in such cases, the cartilage in the two joints are destroyed with about the same speed, but occasionally the disease in one joint progresses faster than the other - it may be associated with specific work or sports concern the patient, as well as congenital deformities joints.
Symptoms gonartroza 2 degrees
Patients with this form of gonarthrosis knee pain
Living with pain in the knees: a walk to facilitate
It has not become chronic. They appear only sporadically, during prolonged and / or intense exercise, and are usually mild or moderate. Many patients sometimes hear a distinctive crunch in the knee joints, which appears when a person sits or stands up. In the morning, a person can feel the stiffness in the joints - usually in gonarthrosis 2 degrees, it does not occur every morning and takes no more than 15 minutes after the patient gets out of bed.
Dull, aching pain in the joints
Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
It can also occur at lower atmospheric pressure. Scientists have not yet found an explanation for this phenomenon, which is often called meteosensitivity, but perhaps it is due to the fact that, when the atmospheric pressure decreases, the pressure of fluids in the tissues of the body, on the contrary, increased, and if healthy people do not notice, that people with various types of osteoarthritis symptoms become more pronounced.
Among the symptoms gonartroza 2 degrees, which can detect only the doctor - narrowing of the joint space and the formation of small osteophytes - growths on the ends of bones, which on x-ray look like small bumps. Experts note that the degree of narrowing of the joint space and osteophytes value is directly related to the intensity of symptoms - is usually what they are, the more often patients complain of severe pain in the knees and stiff joints.
Patients diagnosed with gonarthrosis 2 degrees, usually given conservative treatment, with which you can both relieve symptoms and slow down its development.
Pain relief
The primary task of the physician in the treatment of gonarthrosis deformans is the relief of pain and blocking inflammatory processes which usually causes pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in many cases, are the drugs of first choice in the treatment of gonarthrosis 2 degrees. Medicines of this type are effective, are relatively inexpensive and most people can tolerate their reception. Recently, however, there is evidence that certain NSAIDs may accelerate the progression of gonarthrosis.
In a small study of 85 patients who had been diagnosed with gonarthrosis deformans 2 degrees or 1 degree, given indomethacin, and members of the second group, which included the same number of patients with the same diagnosis, placebo
Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis
. After the X-ray studies showed that gonartroz significantly progressed in 47% of patients treated with indomethacin, and only in 22% of patients who took a placebo. In another study on the effects of NSAIDs on the development of gonarthrosis, involved 635 patients with unilateral and bilateral gonarthrosis (in total - 874 patients with joint). Among subjects who took diclofenac for 180 days or more, the risk of progression of gonarthrosis was 3.2 times higher than that of patients who took the drug for a period from 1 to 30 days. However, it is not known how to influence - and influence whether - on the development of gonarthrosis other NSAIDs, these drugs are still widely used for the treatment of this disease. However, doctors recommend as much as possible to reduce the rate of treatment and reduce the dose of drugs.