How to treat cystitis - not engage in amateur - Acute and chronic

August 9, 2013

  • How to treat cystitis - not engage in independent action
  • Methods
  • Acute and chronic

 Treatment of acute and chronic cystitis

Treatment of acute cystitis

As is known, the symptoms of acute cystitis can go on their own within 2-3 days, maximum - per week. Previously, and it was believed that acute cystitis Acute cystitis: Treat treated responsibly  Acute cystitis: Treat treated responsibly
   It can be treated with herbs and heat treatments.

Today, the installation is fundamentally different. Based on the studies it was found that untreated cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
   does not disappear, it just "hides" in order to then occur again and again. In some women, it flows easily and they do not pay attention to him, while others attempt to treat yourself. But over time, and they both come to the assistance of a urologist. But it was much easier to treat cystitis after his first appearance.

The principle of treatment of acute cystitis - is bed rest, diet, drinking plenty of fluids, antibiotics and immunity strengthening Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system

Bed rest is very desirable to comply. This is done to ensure that the inflammatory process has not spread up to the ureters and kidneys. Bed rest is enough to observe as long as there will be sharp voiding.

Diet - this is an exception hot spices, marinades, preservatives, and acidic foods. Well suited fruits and berries with diuretics and antibacterial properties (cranberries, watermelon, cantaloupe). Drinking plenty of fluids - a mineral water without gas (or just boiled water), fruit drinks, fruit drinks, fresh juices (no more glasses a day) - a total of about 1, 5 liters per day. This also should include decoctions of plants that enhance the action of antibiotics prescribed (bear ears, leaves, cranberries, St. John's wort).

To relieve the pain, prescribe dry heat (eg, hot water bottle, hot sand or salt in a pouch on the abdomen), or hip baths with chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula. With the same purpose prescribed Nospanum - it relieves spasm of smooth muscles of the bladder and pain decreases. But if all the colored urine with blood, the heat is contraindicated.

Antibacterials administered immediately, without waiting for the results of urine culture. Today it Monural (given once and is valid for almost three days) or antibacterial agents of a number of fluoroquinolones (eg nolitsin, he was appointed for three days). After the result is obtained sowing and found sensitivity of pathogen to the antibiotic treatment, if necessary, corrected.

Local treatment of acute cystitis is not carried out.


Treatment of chronic cystitis

Treatment of chronic cystitis - a task much more difficult. First of all, it conducted a comprehensive survey of the patient to detect diseases that can maintain inflammation in the bladder. Women are any gynecological diseases, anomalies location out of the urethra (urethritis) and violations of the intestine, in men - prostate disease (prostate), narrowing of the urethra. Without correcting these violations chronic cystitis Chronic cystitis: a correct diagnosis - the main  Chronic cystitis: a correct diagnosis - the main
   can not be disinfected. At the same time in both men and women are identified and all foci of infection being treated.

Unlike acute cystitis, antibiotics are appointed only after the results of urine culture to culture media, identify the infectious agent and its sensitivity to various antibacterial agents. Antibacterial agents are introduced not only in the form of pills or injections, but by electrophoresis.

Appointed and local treatment of bladder irrigation antibacterial solution (silver nitrate, potassium permanganate, furatsilinom). In order to reduce the irritation of the bladder, it is administered in small amounts of oil rose, sea buckthorn, sometimes - emulsion antibacterial agents. When non-infectious types of cystitis is assigned to local treatment, relieves inflammation, such as corticosteroids.

Always being treated, facilitates blood supply to the bladder walls. This is a different physiotherapy (inductothermy, UHF), thermal treatments, mud.

Much attention is paid to strengthening the immune system. For this purpose, conducted laboratory studies of blood (immunogram), the results of which the patient is assigned to correction of immunity. In addition, patients are encouraged to walk more in the fresh air and do physiotherapy.

If, in order to restore the passage of urine surgery is required, it should not delay: without it, the situation can be changed only for the worse.

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  • treatment of cystitis

Acute cystitis: Treat treated responsibly

August 14, 2011

 acute cystitis
 Acute cystitis - it's mostly women's disease, which is associated with structural features of the urinary channel for women. Almost a third of women in their lifetime ever suffered this disease. Acute cystitis occurs in men, but much less frequently and mainly in the second half of life.


The causes of acute cystitis

Acute cystitis - an inflammation of the bladder wall with acute sudden onset. Acute cystitis is more common in women because their urethra (urethritis) wider and shorter, resulting in an infection of the colon or genital organs quickly into the bladder than men, with a narrow, long and indirect urethra. Therefore, men suffer from cystitis is very rare.

Cystitis in men may occur against a background of inflammation in the prostate gland and other male genital organs. Sometimes it happens after the catheterisation to obtain the urine for investigating or manipulating tool. Especially dangerous bladder catheterization in prostate cancer and prostatitis Prostatitis: how to deal with pain  Prostatitis: how to deal with pain

Activators of cystitis are most often certain types of staphylococci, Proteus, and some other bacteria. But in most cases, the disease causes E. coli, since it has a feature deposited on the cells of the mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the bladder and multiply rapidly in the urine. In addition to bacterial pathogens in the etiology cystitis act as mycoplasma, viruses, chlamydia Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease  Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease
 , Trichomonas Trichomonas - leads to infertility  Trichomonas - leads to infertility
 , Fungi of the genus Candida.

Contributing factors for acute cystitis is most often hypothermia and decreased immunity. Reducing the body's defenses allowing infection pathogens introduced into the mucosa and cause disease.


Signs of acute cystitis

The disease begins suddenly, often after a strong supercooling. There are frequent painful urination sometimes with the release of a few drops of urine, pain in the bladder. In severe cystitis urination occur every few minutes, as the contraction of the muscle wall of the bladder and increase the pressure in it is imperative urge to urinate when congestion there even a few drops of urine. Urination accompanied by severe cutting pains and release a few drops of blood at the end of urination.

Sometimes it is accompanied by a violation of the general conditions: a rise in temperature, chills, malaise. Patients become totally disabled for a minimum of 2-3 days. The average acute cystitis lasts about a week. Urine becomes cloudy, foul-smelling, sometimes it appears in the blood.


Diagnosis and treatment of acute cystitis

Diagnosis of cystitis is based on typical clinical manifestations and examination of urine. In general, the analysis of urine revealed a large number of white blood cells, red blood cells and fresh (in severe they happen a lot), a lot of bacteria. ALWAYS do a urine culture to culture media in order to identify the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

In recent years, more and more pathogens of acute cystitis are strains of E. coli, insensitive to most antibiotics, which causes difficulties in the treatment of acute cystitis.

Acute cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
   It requires bed rest. For washing of the urinary tract and excretion of these bacteria and their toxins appointed by drinking plenty of fluids and diet with the exception of acute and salty foods, alcoholic beverages. You can drink mineral water, herbal teas and infusions of herbs that have anti-bacterial and diuretic properties, such as the bear ears, leaves cranberries.

To goutweed pain, appoint thermal procedures (hot baths, heating pads on the lower abdomen). For pain relief is used as antispasmodics (drugs relieving muscle spasms of the bladder, for example, no-silos).

In severe acute cystitis appointed antibiotics. Today, the most effective antibiotic for the treatment of acute cystitis is considered Monural, which not only kills bacteria, but also prevents their deposition on the surface of the bladder mucosa. In addition, Monural able to concentrate and long-term stay in the urine, while continuing its anti-bacterial action (it inhibits one of the stages of the synthesis of the bacterial cell, leading to her death), even two days after a single dose, which ensures complete destruction of pathogenic microorganisms in the bladder. Monural can even be applied to pregnant women and children, since it has no adverse effects on the fetus and the child's body.

Acute cystitis some feel mild disease like the common cold, but it is not, finished the cure acute cystitis can become chronic or severe complications to the kidneys.

Galina Romanenko

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  • cystitis
