Ureaplasma - is a kind of Mycoplasma, which exists in nature, are many. One subspecies is Ureaplasma Ureaplasma urealitikum, which in turn is a subspecies - a ureaplasma parvum. Both types ureaplasmas can cause inflammation of the urogenital organs - ureaplasmosis.

What is ureaplasma urealitikum
Ureaplasma urealitikum was first isolated in 1958 from a scraping of the urethra of men with urethritis
Urethritis - a very male disease
. Numerous studies have shown that the ureaplasma urealitikum can be isolated as in patients with inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs, and in healthy people, so she was referred to the pathogenic microflora, which can cause disease only under certain conditions.
In the future, it has been allocated 14 serotypes ureaplasmas urealitikum, which by their genetic characteristics were divided into two subspecies (biovar). Today, these two biovar considered separate species - ureaplasma
This insidious ureaplasma - often too late
urealitikum and Ureaplasma parvum
Ureaplasma parvum - intracellular parasite
. In practice, both of these types of ureaplasmas often found together, so there is a common, unifying their name - ureaplasma spetsies.
Ureaplasma urealitikum - small bacteria, viruses is bigger but less bacteria. The cell membrane have expressed enough. This allows the bacteria introduced into the cells of the mucous membranes of the urinary organs and cause disease. But good local immunity ureaplasma urealitikum can not overcome the barrier and just lives in the mucous membranes, feeding mainly urea.
Ureaplasma urealitikum can actively join (adhere) to a variety of cells, including the cells of the mucous membranes of the urogenital organs, blood cells and sperm, contributing to their destruction. Furthermore, Ureaplasma urealitikum secrete enzymes which break down proteins, including immunoglobulin A (IgA), which is an antibody in mucous membranes, and are the basis of local immunity.

What diseases can cause ureaplasma urealitikum
In adult patients with infection of Ureaplasma urealitikum it is sexually transmitted. During pregnancy can urealitikum ureaplasma from the genital tract of women through the membranes enter the body of the fetus, to settle in his airways, causing inflammation, ie, intrauterine infection.
The infection may not occur during pregnancy, but then the infection can get into the child's body as it passes through the birth canal during delivery. The risk of infection during the birth of girls is much higher than that of boys. Ureaplasma thus reaches the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and genital organs, causing inflammation. This leads to low birth weight, not adapted to the environment of children suffering from various types of inflammatory diseases. During pregnancy ureaplasmosis
Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system
can also cause miscarriage, premature birth, postpartum inflammation of the uterus (postpartum endometritis).
In adults infected through sexual contact, ureaplasma urealitikum can cause inflammation in the urinary organs. The inflammatory process begins with the external genitalia and lower segments of the urinary tract, and then can spread to the internal reproductive organs and kidneys.
A feature of inflammation caused by ureaplasma urealitikum is their imperceptible current. Very often, these processes are random finding during examination for infertility. Infertility at ureaplasmosis can develop in both men and women. In women, it is mainly the result of adhesions in the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, and the man - a consequence of reducing the number of sperm and motor activity.

How can you identify a ureaplasma urealitikum
To do this, use different methods of laboratory diagnostics. To identify ureaplazmennoj infection using microbiological methods (crop secretions or scrapings from the walls of the urinary organs in the culture media in order to identify the causative agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics), polymerase chain reaction (PCR - reveals the DNA of the infectious agent), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA - detected antibodies to infectious agents).
To identify the pathological processes in the internal organs of the urogenital carried ultrasound of the pelvic organs. If necessary, wires and other studies.
Ureaplasma urealitikum refers to the pathogenic microflora, but under certain conditions it can cause inflammation grade.
Galina Romanenko