Kagocel - it's quite effective antiviral and immunomodulatory drug that has very few contraindications for use and virtually no side effects. This happens because Kagocel stimulates the body's own production of interferon.
Why Kagocel almost no contraindications
Kagocel - domestic drug developed at the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of RAMS Gamalei manufacturer - OOO "Niarmedik Plus". A special feature of this drug is that it mildly stimulates the synthesis of interferon own person. Interferon - a protein that is produced by various cells in response to the introduction of viruses. Such endogenous interferon, unlike introduced externally (exogenous) does not have any detrimental effects on the body and fully included in the work for the destruction of viruses or prevent their introduction into the body.
Unlike endogenous interferon, which is produced in response to the reception of tablets Kagocel exogenous interferon (as prepared from donated blood and genetic engineering of bacterial mass method) can cause flu syndrome, headache, dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
Functional disorders of the nervous system in the form of irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
, Increased anxiety, depression, insomnia. There may also ischemic attacks, tremors, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, change in stool, abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
, Bloating, liver function disorders and certain other side effects.
That is why today, much attention is paid to the development, production and introduction into clinical practice of medicines, promoting the development of their own endogenous interferon. These medicines are domestic products arbidol, tsikloferon
TSikloferon - restores the body's defenses
and Kagocel.
Why Kagocel contraindicated in certain patient population
Kagocel passed all the necessary clinical trials based on the Influenza Research Institute and other medical institutions. It has been found that it makes practically no side effects other than allergic reactions. Feature allergies such that they can occur on any material and even on its own tissues. Kagocel allergies are rare, but can occur. Are allergic to Kagocel differently. It may have a different skin rashes, including urticaria, angioedema (it can reach the throat and cause respiratory failure), anaphylactic shock, and so on.
During clinical trials the volunteers who took Kagocel, pointed out that the drug is very well tolerated, with no side effects (including the part of the digestive system), allergic reactions are extremely rare. This non-toxic drug, as its therapeutic dose is much lower than the limit of toxicity determined in laboratory animals. Kagocel not stored by the body and excreted out of it most of the next week, and completely (without leaving even a trace) - in a month.
Preventive course Kagocel during seasonal raising the incidence of viral respiratory infection causes a decrease in the incidence of diseases more than twice. At the same time the effect of its reception is held during the month.
In patients with seasonal viral infections, Kagocel treated with curative intent, much less complications arise, quickly ended a hectic period and signs of intoxication. All clinical trials have been confirmed by laboratory tests, which were carried out before and after Kagocel and confirmed the complete absence of toxicity.
But clinical trials have not been conducted in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 6 years old, so no one knows how these contingents patients may respond to receiving Kagocel. Despite the fact that in laboratory studies in different animal species was confirmed by the complete absence of any adverse effects on the fetus Kagocel (animals it was given at doses exceeding therapeutic repeatedly), the lack of clinical trials is an obstacle for administration of the drug to pregnant women.
The same can be said for children up to six years. As for nursing mothers in the course of laboratory and clinical tests, it was found that about 20% Kagocel absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream, and therefore it can be released from the mother's milk. Therefore, if the reception Kagocel woman needs for health, it is necessary to interrupt breastfeeding.
Of course, Kagocel contraindicated if you are hypersensitive and its components.
Kagocel - it is safe and effective antiviral drug that virtually no side reactions and adverse events, and therefore it is recommended as a modern tool for the prevention and treatment of seasonal viral infections in adults and children after six years.
Galina Romanenko