Heparin ointment used in the treatment of varicose veins. But, in addition, in this disease must change their way of life, move more, lose weight
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. Only in this case, heparin ointment helps prevent chronic stagnation of blood in the veins and improve the appearance of the lower extremities.
Varicose veins - the beginning and the development of the disease
Varicose veins - a change of state of the veins of the lower extremities, in which the walls of veins and valves located within the veins, can not maintain the right (upward) movement of venous blood. Smooth muscle weakness of the vein walls and valves leading to the fact that the blood begins to move in the opposite direction, creating stasis in the veins, changing their appearance and breaking functions.
The walls of the veins become thinner, they appear bulging, blood stagnates for a long time in such veins, which promotes the formation of blood clots and the development of inflammation in the walls of the veins (thrombophlebitis), edemas and malnutrition surrounding tissues, resulting in formation of sores.
Varicose may occur in superficial veins or deep, but more often it is a combination. Varicose veins usually shows the surface in the form of branches of blue veins on the skin of the thighs or drumsticks. Varicose veins appear deep swelling, legs grow heavy, sometimes have cramps in the calf muscles.
The main risk of varicose veins associated with thromboembolism - a margin of thrombus (blood clot is called an embolus after separation), their "journey" through the circulatory system and the blockage of vital blood vessels, which leads to severe complications with unpredictable consequences.
The varicose veins can help heparin ointment
Heparin ointment used mainly for varicose veins and superficial varicose veins in the combined. When this ointment two - three times a day is applied a thin layer to the affected surface and gently rubbed into the skin. The course of treatment usually lasts about two weeks.
A feature of heparin ointment
Heparin ointment - applied with caution
it is a composition that helps heparin rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and exert its effect. One component of the ointment is antispasmodic benzyl, it dilates blood vessels and contributes to the rapid and effective action of heparin. Another component of heparin ointment - benzocaine has analgesic effect.
Still, the main active ingredient of heparin is heparin ointment. It is an anticoagulant of direct action, which prevents blood clotting in the blood vessels directly. When applied to the skin ointments heparin heparin absorbed into the bloodstream and activates protein antithrombin III, which has anticoagulant activity. This leads to disruption of the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin inhibits the activity of thrombin, and reduces the rolling properties of blood.
The mechanism of action of heparin is associated with its ability to inhibit the aggregation (bonding) platelets. Blood clots in the bloodstream begins with platelet aggregation. Then formed platelets
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impregnated with conglomeration of insoluble protein fibrin which surrounds it in the form of filaments. Thereafter reduced thrombus, becomes solid and occludes the vessel lumen. Heparin prevents the formation of fibrin.
Thus, applying for varicose superficial veins heparin ointment, can prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins, and if they are formed, then facilitate their resorption. It is the prevention of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and thromboembolic events - the most dangerous complications of varicose veins.
Do all patients with varicose veins can be used heparin ointment?
Heparin ointment usually does not have a general (systemic) effects on the body and well tolerated. Her only side effects are allergic reactions
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But in some cases, heparin ointment can not be used. Thus, it can not be applied to sores and tissue necrosis area - just around the ulcer, on intact skin. Heparin ointment applied in the form of courses of treatment, therefore, the state is set to clotting - if coagulation is reduced, heparin ointment is not applicable. Do not use it and when there is insufficient content in the blood platelet count (thrombocytopenia) - it can lead to bleeding.
In some patients the body exhibits enhanced sensitivity to heparin ointment - in this case, it also can not be used.
Appoint heparin ointment with varicose veins should be a doctor.
Galina Romanenko