Elevated prolactin in women - the advantages and disadvantages

December 21, 2014

 elevated prolactin in women
 Elevated prolactin in women (hyperprolactinemia) is needed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But in preparation for pregnancy increased prolactin levels can cause menstrual irregularities and prevent conception. Furthermore, prolactin can become a "culprit" of the development of mastitis.


What is the rate of prolactin in the blood of women

The content of prolactin in the blood of women varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle:

  • The first phase of the menstrual cycle (follicular) - 4, 5-33 ng / ml;
  • Ovulation - 6, 3-49 ng / ml;
  • The second phase of the menstrual cycle (luteal) - 4, 9-40 ng / ml.


The reasons for the increased prolactin

Prolactin may increase during sleep, with stress, a lack of vitamin B6 during pregnancy, infant feeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice

Its content increases in diseases and tumors of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, decreased thyroid function, polycystic ovary syndrome, severe kidney disease, liver and adrenal cortex with a reduction in the function of these organs, tumors of the female genital organs and mammary glands that produce estrogen, autoimmune diseases (with allergies on the patient's own tissues - systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune thyroiditis, diffuse toxic goiter, and so on).

Prolactin is also increased in women under the influence of drugs: H2 blockers, histamine receptors that suppress gastric acid secretion (cimetidine, ranitidine), psychotropic drugs (neyroleptikkov, antidepressants), estrogens, diuretics (furosemide) and some others.


Symptoms of high prolactin in women

Prolactin causes a disruption of the menstrual cycle and prevents conception. This happens because prolactin blocks the maturation of the egg cells in the ovaries by inhibiting the secretion of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), estrogen reduces the secretion of ovarian follicles, thus decelerating ovulation and pregnancy. Most cases of infertility related hormone is a high content of prolactin. But during breastfeeding increased prolactin is a natural protection from the new pregnancy.

Elevated levels of prolactin in women is also dangerous because it stimulates tissue growth and breast ducts. The ducts are sealed, forming a small cyst - formed hormonal disturbance breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
 . Initially, diffuse lesion develops in both breasts, which can cause significant breast tenderness, especially before menstruation.

Eventually diffuse form of the disease often becomes an anchor - is formed in the mammary gland is one or more major components.

Elevated levels of prolactin exerts effects on the nervous system, women become irritable, they have increased the level of anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 Often changing mood, decreased performance.

Effects of elevated prolactin in women - is infertility. Furthermore, with prolonged duration of nodal mastopathy it can be transformed into breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know


Treating high prolactin

When mastopathy and menstrual cycle to suppress prolactin prescribed herbal drug Cyclodynon, which includes ordinary prostrate summer cypress. This drug also has beneficial effects on ovarian function.

Ergot derivative bromocriptine used in all diseases which are based on increased secretion of prolactin. It is a stimulant of the central and peripheral - dopamine receptors. It inhibits the secretion of prolactin, lactation, the recovery of the menstrual cycle, reduces the size and number of cysts in the mammary gland. This drug is also used to suppress the activity of the pituitary tumors that secrete prolactin - prolactin.

One of the most effective drugs which inhibit prolactin secretion is dostineks. It also refers to a group of central and peripheral stimulators - dopamine receptors. Dostinex normalize prolactin levels, restores menstrual cycle and fertility. By reducing the content of prolactin in women recovering throbbing gonadotropin secretion and release of luteinizing hormone pituitary gland in the middle of the cycle, anovulatory cycles are eliminated.

Simultaneously, the treatment of diseases that contributed to the development of hyperprolactinemia. Canceled drugs to stimulate the secretion of prolactin. If necessary, a surgical operation.

Prolactin women can play both positive and negative role.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • prolactin

Breast - the mirror Women's Health

August 6th, 2013

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 disease of the breast
 You have chest palpated dense knots? In most cases, this is a sign of mastitis - a good-quality education, which is seen in 60% of women of childbearing age. That does not sound very nice, but the breast - is, in fact, iron knobby surface consisting of breast cancer, and ductal tissue that separates and supports them. Most women in the breast there are at least a couple of knots or seals; however, if you feel that there are more and experience discomfort in this area are likely to have developed breast.

Experts say that these changes occur in the breasts of most women, and it does not need to be afraid.

The literature references can be found on mastitis as "fibrotic diseases" - they were written before it was established that breast disease is not more than menstruation and menopause. When mastitis breast tissue can become too thick, ribbed touch, there may be palpable small seal, shaped like beads. In addition, the breasts may become very sensitive and swollen; sometimes it appears dull pain and feeling of heaviness. Touching breasts at the same time causing pain and women try to avoid them. Such discomfort is a sign of the disease.

In some women, the pain of mastitis is so strong that they can not normally engage in sports or lying on his stomach. Seals are usually formed in both breasts, with its outer quadrants and lower halves.


What causes breast?

Development of mastitis due to a change in hormone levels of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Which affect mammary tissue. During the menstrual cycle, breast swells as mammary glands and associated ducts increases and fluid accumulates in the chest - mostly water. After menstruation the breast returns to its normal size.

Breast begins to develop in women after twenty or thirty years. A small number of women, the symptoms of mastitis Breast - Symptoms: When should I see a doctor?  Breast - Symptoms: When should I see a doctor?
   deteriorated over the years, causing constant pain and the formation of new nodules. Normally, some nodules become constant, and some decrease or disappear after menopause.

Although there are no medications, which efficiency in treatment of mastitis proved, there are various means to relieve its symptoms.


Food and supplements

Avoid any products containing caffeine, such as coffee, tea, chocolate and energy drinks. This will reduce the fluid retention in the breast tissue and ease the discomfort. For the same reason, it is helpful to reduce fat intake. In addition, to facilitate elimination of symptoms and can take a variety of herbs and vitamins such as vitamins B6 and primrose and E. Some women that knots in the breast becomes smaller after they quit smoking.



Most often used in the treatment of mastitis and other painkillers aspirin. They help relieve the pain and sometimes inflammation. In more serious cases, the doctor prescribes hormonal contraceptives as hormonal changes can alleviate the symptoms of mastitis. In particularly severe cases, patients prescribed danazol - a synthetic analogue of the androgen. Many women say that its side effects such as rapid weight gain and changes in voice, cause more discomfort than breast.


Breast disease and breast cancer

The researchers found no relationship between mastopathy and breast cancer. There may be changes in the breast tissue, which will create a predisposition to develop breast cancer, but it happens very rarely. To reduce the concern about cancer, women are encouraged to examine their own breasts every month seven days after the menstrual period, when hormone levels are low and most palpable texture of the breast is best. Moreover, doctors strongly recommend that all women at least once a year mammography.


Diabetic mastopathy

Diabetic breast - is a rare complication of diabetes that need to be considered in the differential diagnosis of breast cancer. The study, which lasted 11 years, experts have observed for six patients with insulin-dependent diabetes (five women and one man suffering from diabetic mastopathy). Techniques Used medical imaging include mammography, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The final diagnosis was based on the results of a biopsy. After the treatment of patients seen, on average, for seven years.

In most cases (67%) in patients with diabetic mastopathy have seals that can be detected by palpation. During mammography in 50% of cases were visible asymmetric compaction. Ultrasound showed dense hypoechoic nodes (areas of tissue with a low acoustic density) ranging from one to five centimeters, with clear boundaries. By using an MRI contrast agent nodes were detected in 66% of cases. With biopsy in 83% of cases diagnosed diabetic mastopathy was possible in the early stages of development.

Since the disease is not amenable to medical treatment, to remove the tumors have to use surgery. In this study, all patients were successfully operated without serious health consequences. In many cases, however, the experts prefer to confine observation, as usual diabetic breast Diabetic mastopathy when disturbed hormonal balance  Diabetic mastopathy when disturbed hormonal balance
   It does not develop malignancies.


Breast and caffeine - medical folklore or scientific fact?

Often well-wishers without medical training, as well as some doctors recommend that women who have found a benign breast compaction, reduce caffeine intake, and eat more vitamin E. This recommendation can be heard less often than the medical board has a cold (not surprising, because the common cold is found often mastitis), but still, she is familiar to almost every young woman. And is there really a link between caffeine and mastopathy? Here are summarized the results of some research.

Of the 113 women who participated in one study, 82% were able to give up a year of caffeine. In 61% of them have decreased or completely disappeared chest pain associated with mastopathy.

In two studies, one of which was attended by over 300 women with a confirmed diagnosis "breast", in other - more than 800, it has not been found no correlation between the development of the disease and the consumption of caffeine. Another study, involving 1500 subjects who did not find that the failure of caffeine may reduce breast pain or slow the growth of benign tumors in the breast.

It is obvious that as long as there is no scientific evidence that caffeine can provoke the development of mastitis or worsen the condition of patients who already have this violation. Most likely, in this case we are dealing with one of the medical myths that spread rumors - first, someone says that caffeine may affect the development of tumors in the breast, then someone repeats the phrase, removing the word "may" and a third person already gives it for absolute truth. However, limiting consumption of caffeine does not hurt if it will not save you from mastitis, you will reduce the risk of other disorders, including - cardiovascular disease.

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