Tincture of motherwort: children - strictly on prescription

September 7, 2012

  • Tincture of motherwort: children - strictly on prescription
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 Tincture motherwort children
 Motherwort is often used to treat children. But it is usually used as aqueous infusions. Motherwort tincture on alcohol for the treatment of children is used much less frequently. However, pediatric neurologists and sometimes prescribe this dosage form.

 Tincture of motherwort: children - strictly on prescription

Features of mental development of children

Neuro-psychological development of the child up to three years is largely dependent on how the pregnancy proceeds mother. If the pregnancy accompanied minor violations of placental circulation, the baby is usually born with no apparent neurological disorders, but later, in his psychological development of up to three years have seen some progress.

Typically, such a child is different irritability, fatigue, mood swings, poor sleep at night. Such children are restless day and night and sometimes drive their parents to complete nervous exhaustion. Any whatsoever neurological changes in these children, usually not detected. Pediatricians and pediatric neurologists say in such a case of restless children. Restless child requires pedagogical and light medical correction.

But in some cases, the condition goes beyond the rules and violates the process of mental development of the child. In this case, the child has a very high activity, a complete inability to concentrate on anything else, and severe sleep at night. These children are diagnosed with attention deficit disorder Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - how to help fidget?  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - how to help fidget?
   Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and conduct a comprehensive treatment.

If these children are not treated in a timely manner, the problems will go to school and adolescence, and then permanently lock into an adult.

 Tincture of motherwort: children - strictly on prescription

Motherwort in the treatment of children with neurological problems

Motherwort preparations have long been used to correct the behavior of children up to three years. But in this age were used in a basic aqueous extracts Leonurus. Tincture motherwort, containing 70% ethanol, children up to three years, is usually not administered.

Leonurus suppress excitation processes in the central nervous system and restores the natural processes of inhibition. It has a beneficial effect on the restless child. He removed the excessive excitation of the day, increases the ability to focus on any activity, improves sleep.

Motherwort is today the plant is not fully studied.

It has been established that its sedative effect on the central nervous system is much higher than that of the valerian, but at the expense of some components, this occurs fully set has not yet succeeded. So in a sense, motherwort - is the drug of the future, who can give us surprises.

Leonurus applied in the treatment of ADHD, but in this case it is a part of complex therapy. Motherwort potentiates the effect of psychotropic drugs used in the treatment of ADHD. Its soft slow exposure always has a positive effect on these children.

 Tincture of motherwort: children - strictly on prescription

Leonurus the treatment of other diseases in children

Any long-occurring disease in children, including the effects of trauma, chronic infectious-inflammatory processes, diabetes mellitus Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   and so on may be accompanied by a more or less pronounced neurotic disorders in children. Such disorders are manifested tearfulness, mood swings, inability to concentrate on some busy, sleep disorders, and so on.

Joining neurotic disorders to any underlying disease for its heavier and considerably complicates the process of treatment. Therefore, already at the first signs of neurosis child is assigned sedation. Begin treatment is usually with drugs of plant origin, with the drug of choice is often motherwort.

Motherwort children of any age trying to be administered in the form of aqueous solutions.

It has a mild, gradual, but quite effective action. In the application of motherwort long courses (at least three weeks in a row) it is capable of without prescribing psychotropic drugs Psychotropic drugs and their effect on the brain  Psychotropic drugs and their effect on the brain
   remove the manifestations of neurosis Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
   among chronically ill children.

 Tincture of motherwort: children - strictly on prescription

When motherwort should not give the child and its side effects

Aqueous extracts of Leonurus do not create an only child when his body's hypersensitivity to this herbal preparation. Side effects may occur in the motherwort lethargy and sleepiness, which is reinforced with an overdose of the drug.

If you suspect an overdose need to call an ambulance, which will wash out the stomach and the child, if necessary, hospitalized.

Infusions motherwort are often used in the treatment of children, tinctures - and rarely in older age.

Galina Romanenko

Tachycardia in children: diagnosis and treatment

May 3, 2012

  • Tachycardia in children: diagnosis and treatment
  • Sinus tachycardia

 tachycardia children
 Tachycardia - is to increase the heart rate over a hundred beats per minute in adults. Children have a normal heart rate depends on the age. Nevertheless, even the kids grudnichkovogo period subject to tachycardia.

 Tachycardia in children: diagnosis and treatment

Determination tachycardia in children according to the age ranges as follows:

  • Age 1-2 days: 123-159 beats per minute;
  • Age 3-6 days: 129-166 beats per minute;
  • Age 1-3 weeks: 107-182 beats per minute;
  • Age 1-2 months: 121-179 beats per minute;
  • Age 3-5 months: 106-186 beats per minute;
  • Age 6-11 months: 109-169 beats per minute;
  • Age 1-2 years: 89-151 beats per minute;
  • Age 3-4 years: 73-137 beats per minute;
  • Age 5-7 years: 65-133 beats per minute;
  • Age 8-11 years: 62-130 beats per minute;
  • Age 12-15 years: 60-119 beats per minute.

 Tachycardia in children: diagnosis and treatment


The innervation of the heart takes place mainly through the vagus nerve and sympathetic ganglion. Painful sensations pass through the afferent fibers associated with sympathetic ganglia. Most patients do not experience a normal heartbeat. Some children may complain of palpitations, the sensation of tinnitus or laying the ears.

Tachycardia - a condition characterized by an increase in heart rate, ie palpitations.

This condition is associated with impairment of the conduction of electrical signals under the influence of which is a reduction of the walls of the ventricles of the heart. Some children have an innate tachycardia, and it can be diagnosed in the womb.

 Tachycardia in children: diagnosis and treatment

Types of tachycardia in children

There are two basic types of tachycardia.

  • In children, the most common supraventricular tachycardia Tachycardia - the body to the limit?  Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
 . This type of tachycardia is characterized by abnormally rapid reduction of the upper and lower chambers of the heart. SVT is not usually life threatening and may even go without medical intervention in some young children.
  • The second type of tachycardia - ventricular tachycardia. It occurs when the lower compartment of the heart or the ventricles, pump blood too fast. Ventricular tachycardia is rare in children, and if untreated, can be life-threatening.

 Tachycardia in children: diagnosis and treatment


Symptoms tachycardia in children similar symptoms in adults. Children may occur chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
 , Palpitations, fainting, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, weakness, or paleness. Babies with tachycardia, tachypnea, they are restless and moody. Another symptom of tachycardia in infants - hypersomnia.

Tachycardia is difficult to diagnose in young children and infants, because they still can not describe my feelings.

Furthermore, some of these symptoms such as shortness of breath and dizziness, typical of other diseases such as bronchial asthma.

 Tachycardia in children: diagnosis and treatment


Treatment of tachycardia depends on the child's age, severity of disease and the type of tachycardia. Supraventricular tachycardia is usually treated with medications or if the child is old enough, a reflex action on the vagus nerve and middle ear by blowing method Valsalva maneuver (closing the mouth and nose and try to breathe).

For the treatment of children with ventricular tachycardia may require surgery or other more invasive interventions such as radiofrequency ablation: heart catheter that transmits radio signals, heating and destroy the heart tissue causing the abnormality in the rhythm. In most cases, after the procedure the heart begins to function normally. However, some patients may still need medication.

 Tachycardia in children: diagnosis and treatment


The prognosis for children with any type of tachycardia is usually favorable. Most of them can lead a normal life, not limiting their activities. In older children, the tachycardia is likely to persist for a lifetime, so they have to take the medication, such as beta-blockers. In addition, the child must aim at maintaining a healthy weight and exercise regularly, because they are overweight put a strain on the heart and contributes to the development of various diseases.

Teens diagnosed with tachycardia, should limit their intake of caffeine to give up cigarettes and alcohol and soft drugs, as they increase the symptoms of tachycardia Symptoms of tachycardia: the timely detection  Symptoms of tachycardia: the timely detection

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