Dried fruits for weight loss: diet for a sweet tooth

December 18th, 2014

 dried fruit for weight loss
 Nothing caloric, fat, flour and sweet - a principle perhaps the vast majority of diets. However, not always sweet - it means harmful. Some sweets, such as dried fruits, only help to lose weight. The main thing is to use dried fruit for weight loss in a special way, and then the weight required to leave.


"The sweet death"

Damage sugar no doubt none: this product is accused not only an increase in weight, but also in the occurrence of the serious metabolic diseases Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 Caries More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late  More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late
 , The destruction of nerve tissue. However, nowhere in the world there is no ban on the sale of sugar and products containing it, such as limiting the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. Moreover, even if desired, it is very difficult to find commercially available products to which sugar has been added. And it is no coincidence: like almost all sugar.

Why is this product so popular? Doctors jokingly called sugar affordable drug in the world. Indeed, sucrose operates on the same principle: instantly causes a surge of strength, improves mood, calms, relieves stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 . And the hand again and again reaches for candy, and thus do not want to think about the harm excessive consumption of sugar causes the body.

Sweet love everything from pieces of cookies will not give any rabbits or mice or dogs. But animals rarely eat sweets, but people have found the opportunity to pamper yourself desserts even several times a day. And, accordingly, constantly destroying their health.


Alternative sweets

Limiting sweet transport of heavy and sometimes very difficult - to hysteria and nervous breakdown. Deteriorating memory, logic suffers, falls mood. And often the diet ends almost before it began: in his defense sweet tooth say they can not imagine life without sugar.

Does this mean that there is no turning back, and those who love the sweet, doomed to depend on him all his life? Yes and no. It is likely that all and completely abandon sweet to those who can not imagine life without him, will not succeed. But at the same time, you can change the attitude towards sugar, reduce dependence on it and find a healthy alternative to refined sugar harmful.

This alternative, however, has long been found. There are many foods with a sweet taste, which is not as harmful as pure sugar. This honey, fruits and some vegetables (such as squash). And for those who seem to be enough sweet fruit, long ago invented dried fruits - most probably the oldest in the world treats.

Vitamins in dried fruits, of course, much less than in the fruit fresh, but they retained the fiber, minerals, fructose. Dried fruits have a bright flavor, rich flavor, they adorn any meal and contribute to the rapid saturation due to the high fiber content.

Of course, dried fruit is quite high in calories - 300 calories per 100 grams. But we must remember that the body receives the load to more calories and many nutrients contained in the dried fruit. This makes it useful dried product which is even there for those who want to lose weight.

For slimming dried fruits are useful primarily due to the content of dietary fiber.

On the one hand, dried fruit perfectly saturated, and on the other - to stimulate peristalsis and effectively solve the problem of losing weight all the familiar constipation.


New desserts

How best to use dried fruits useful for weight loss? The easiest way - to replace refined sugar dried fruit. Fruit bread, broths, mashed potatoes - all of these goodies can be prepared without sugar grains, using dried fruit. A natural blend of dried fruits for weight loss will serve as an excellent substitute for candies containing sugar, colorants, flavors, and other additives.

Natural dried fruits are very tasty. Preferences are different - someone who likes the taste of sour rich dried cherries, someone like a fragrant dried apricots, someone with mad Prune, and someone loves dried apples. What dry fruits are useful for weight loss? This question has no single answer - all varieties in its own good. Prunes improves digestion and rescues from depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 . Dried apricots - a real storehouse of potassium and magnesium, it is very good for the heart. Raisins contains vitamins and iodine. Dates are beneficial for the nervous system. Apples and pears cleanse the body and well saturated.

Hood with dried fruit, it is important not to forget the sense of proportion.

If instead of a small dessert for lunch to eat a bucket of dried fruit, it is unlikely to lead to weight loss. But if you eat cake instead of a few chernoslivin and tea with no sugar, and flavored with berry dried figs, the result is bound to be. Dried fruits perfectly replace cakes and chocolates, sweets and ice cream, all the more so that they can have not only in physical form, but also used for making compotes, jellies, fruit purees and more.


Only dried fruit

True lovers of dried fruit can try a diet based on the use of dried fruit. For example, during the day to eat 400 grams of dried fruit of your choice, complementing them 100 grams of nuts. The duration of such a diet - 3-5 days, during which time you can easily get rid of 5-6 kg without feeling hunger. One need only have small portions and chew eaten.

It is important to only use the dried fruit without added sugar. No candied fruits, which are first boiled in sugar syrup and then dried, not suitable. Only prepared in a conventional manner dried fruits, dried at low temperatures, the body will bring benefit and help you lose weight. It is also important that the dried contained no artificial additives - sulfur dyes, fragrances.

Article Tags:
  • Weight loss

How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

May 5, 2013

  • How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting
  • How to recover
  • Wrong
  • Disturbed
  • Fast
  • How to normalize
  • Slowed

 Metabolism or metabolism - the process of digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats by the body in order to extract the energy necessary to the body to carry out all processes of life. The rate of metabolism depends on the ratio of the number of calories that you consume calories that you expend during exercise or any other activity, and the number of calories you burn according to your individual genetic characteristics.

From metabolism depends on how fast we burn calories, gain weight, or lose it. Of course, not all metabolism running at the same speed. It is influenced by factors such as age (after age 40 your metabolism slows down, on average, by 5% per decade), the floor (at rest, men usually faster to burn calories than women), as well as the amount of muscle tissue (the more muscle you, the faster metabolism). Of course, the metabolic rate is largely determined by heredity. Some people just burn calories slower than the other - by nature.

In some cases, thyroid problems can slow metabolism, but this is a relatively rare problem.

The following fact may surprise you: the more weight you carry on yourself, so usually go faster metabolism. The fact is that because of the excess weight the body has to work hard just to provide livelihoods, even at rest, so in most cases the metabolism of such people is a bit faster.

This is one of the reasons why at the beginning of a diet to lose weight is almost always easier than at the end. When a person has a lot of extra kilos, his metabolism is working so fast that even a slight reduction in calorie intake leads to weight reduction. After he loses some part of fat and muscle mass, the body for normal functioning will require fewer calories, and metabolism to slow down; to continue to lose weight, it is necessary to further reduce caloric intake. Because of the slow metabolism of a person can easily gain weight, if after losing a few kilos again begin to abuse of fatty and sweet foods.

From two people weighing 70 kg, of which one has achieved that weight through diet, reducing it from 85 kg, very slow metabolism is the one who lost, not the one who always weighed 70 kg.

With the genes you almost can not do anything (it is still only 5% of the total calories expended), so you need to focus on the metabolic processes of the body and increase the amount of energy that it needs to spend.

The organism is known to burn and fats, and proteins and carbohydrates. We would like it to burn fat in the first place, but it saves and will consume them only if he will need energy, and take it in sufficient quantities greater will be nowhere.

This occurs, for example, when you exercise, but you will not do it all the time, especially if most of your time do you spend at the table in the office. Fortunately, exercise - not the only condition in which the body will burn fat. It will do this also, for example, within an hour of intense interval training (it is fully up to its name - it's really intense activity that acts on the body, like a good shake-up, after which he worked for some time in emergency mode). The same thing happens when conventional strength training.

In addition, the more your muscles, the more energy your body spends on it to provide them with everything necessary.

It can also accelerate the metabolism due to consumption of the products on the digestion which spent more energy, such as proteins. Experts on nutrition claim that the processing protein foods spend twice as many calories as the fact to digest the same amount of fat or carbohydrates.

 How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

As metabolism changes with age

The truth is that with age, your metabolism slows down, but not so bad. Since 25 years, every next 10 years of life becomes slower metabolism of 5-10%, which means that 45 years of calories, fat and other your body will burn 10-20% slower than 25 years.

The good news is that slowing metabolism is not inevitable.

He slowed down, if your physical activity is reduced and your life in general is becoming less active. Studies have shown that people who lead an active lifestyle, metabolism slows by only 0.3% per decade.

 How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

How to speed up your metabolism and prevent it slow?

  • Build muscle. It is not necessary to become a champion in bodybuilding, but the trained muscles of the abdomen, arms, legs and hips undoubtedly paint a woman. In addition, thanks to every new kilogram of muscle your body will burn an additional daily 70 calories.
  • Intense! We have already talked about the intense interval training (ITT), but mention them again. Alternating 3 minutes of very active exercise with 30 seconds of rest, you can burn up to 100-200 calories per workout. Besides such great lessons stimulate the body's metabolic processes
  • Get enough sleep. Due to lack of sleep, metabolism slows down - it is said by many scientists. Insufficient sleep leads to the fact that the number of calories the body burns at rest (this includes sleep) decreases - and that 60-70% of our daily caloric expenditure.
  • Eat more often. Experts recommend eating every 2-3 hours. Each meal briefly stimulates the metabolism, which means that the more you eat, the more your metabolism is accelerated. In this mode power supply provides the body with energy and muscle mass not fat stores, as it is certain that the hunger strike as soon as he is not threatened. The opposite happens if you skip breakfast, eat one sandwich during the second breakfast, and then overeat at lunch, or worse, for dinner. During the long break between meals, your body is really afraid of being left without food for a long time, and begins to store fat. Later, you will be very difficult to force the body to burn these strategic reserves.
  • ... But eat properly. Frequent meals - it does not mean frequent snacking something nutritious. If possible, eat smaller portions of food grade - such as salads and a piece of chicken or fish, a small cup of low-fat soup, and so on. Of course, this is not always possible. You can also snacking on fruit, low-fat yogurt, whole-grain loaves, etc. Include more fiber in the diet - according to scientists, it is perfectly stimulates metabolism, because its digestion the body has to spend a lot of energy. In addition, fruits and vegetables, the main source of fat, rich in vitamins and various nutrients, which, of course, make your diet more effective.
  • Forget some of the myths. For a long time we were drinking coffee and green tea, eating spicy food, enjoying the thought that at the same time get rid of excess fat. It was found that contained in green tea epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) speeds up the metabolism a little, but not strong enough to be able to talk about his significant influence on weight reduction. Capsaicin, a substance that peppers owe their sharpness, also speed up the metabolism, but this is not the effect is not very significant. Caffeine is a stimulant to the central nervous system, of course, speeds up the metabolism, but its effectiveness as a tool for weight loss is not proven.
  • Eat fish. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), omega-3 found in fish, are potent stimulators of metabolism. Fish oil increases the production of fat-decomposing enzymes and lowers the level of enzymes that contribute to the accumulation of fat. For the best effect it is recommended to take 300 ml of EPA and DHA per day.
  • Do not aspire to heat. Experts say that the number of overweight people is increasing today, not least because of our commitment to the heaters in the winter and air conditioners and fans in the summer. Because of these adaptations the body almost do not spend energy on heating and cooling. In addition, both people and animals tend to eat more whole foods, when the temperature of the environment is neutral, and less when they are hot or cold. All this, of course, is not a call to abandon the benefits of civilization, but if you use them a little less often, and are not at full capacity, you will be able without special effort to lose a little weight. In addition, it means a more modest bills for electricity and heating, and less damage to the environment - so many advantages makes you wonder, right?
  • More exercise. Physical inactivity is becoming a problem of the century of high technologies and this must be addressed. I never sit when you can stand there and do not stand when you can walk. Walk during your lunch break, walk up the stairs instead of the elevator, get off one or two stops early, and if you do not live too far from work, maybe you'll be able to do without public transport?

The big change in life can start with small, incremental steps. One has only to start.

 How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

Savory life

To lose weight or maintain normal weight does not necessarily starve and sit on a grueling diets. Enough to keep the right balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, choosing the right products. Keeping blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
   within the normal range, you can not limiting themselves much food to have a beautiful figure without folds of fat in problem areas.

The blood glucose level controlling appetite. If a person consumes a lot of sweets or carbohydrates lung, sooner or later, he will face the challenge of not only weight gain, but also with fatigue, because the body does not get enough energy. In addition, such a passion for food threatens to overeating and increased irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper

By reducing blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
   you can actually control the rate of metabolism and send all the calories in the case.

They will gradually be consumed by the body, but not deposited in reserve.

Avoid baking, replace it with whole wheat bread and products from wheat flour. Limit the consumption of sweets, fruit prefer apples bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 . Choose foods rich in fiber, nuts, dried fruits (in limited quantities), low-fat milk. These products saturate the body with energy which is not converted into fat and help cleanse the intestine and prevent sugar level rise.

 How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

Products that benefit the metabolism

  • products from oatmeal
  • lentil
  • wholemeal bread,
  • apples
  • oranges
  • low-fat milk
  • garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
  • soya beans
  • cheese
  • tofu
  • fat-free chicken
  • almonds
  • tuna
  • sunflower seeds.

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