Elevated prolactin during pregnancy - good or bad?

December 21, 2014

 increased prolactin during pregnancy
 Elevated prolactin during pregnancy is all women, as this hormone is actively involved in the normal development of the pregnancy and prepare for breast-feeding mothers. Prolactin is especially necessary for the formation of the respiratory system of the fetus.


Why pregnancy prolactin

Prolactin - a hormone of the anterior pituitary, which is involved in the formation and functioning of the female reproductive system. During pregnancy, the amount it increases as it is necessary for both mother and child.

Prolactin stimulates growth and development of the mammary gland, the secretion of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Which is particularly necessary at the beginning of pregnancy, since it prevents the interrupt. Prolactin is also involved in the water-salt metabolism, during pregnancy it regulates the volume and composition of the amniotic fluid.

But the problem is that a large number of prolactin prevents conception. Therefore, elevated prolactin in the planning of pregnancy - is a bad sign.

It inhibits the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins (TG), mainly follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), resulting in no egg matures in the ovary and ovulation occurs. That is, the menstrual cycle under the influence of a large amount of prolactin become irregular.


Why women can be increased prolactin

The reasons may be many, but obstetricians are divided into two unequal groups. It prolaktinprodutsiruyuschie benign pituitary tumor (prolactinoma), and all other causes. The fact that the prolactinoma - a fairly common tumor, which are always a cause of infertility.

The remaining causes of increased prolactin include severe kidney disease, liver and adrenal glands to decrease their function (diseases that without prolactin is a contraindication to pregnancy), marked reduction of thyroid function (hypothyroidism), polycystic ovaries, estrogenprodutsiruyuschie tumor female reproductive organs and idiopathic hyperprolactinemia (reason for the increase of prolactin is not clear).


You can get pregnant at an elevated prolactin?

Today, the answer is clear: it is possible. But recently a pregnancy at an elevated prolactin was virtually impossible. Today available drugs that stimulate the production of dopamine - the hormone and neurotransmitter, whereby lactotropic hypothalamus suppresses pituitary function.

For drugs in this series (Dofaminomimetiki) are bromocriptine (parlodel), cabergoline (Dostinex), lisuride. All of these drugs can be used in preparation for pregnancy. When hyperprolactinemia their prescribed long courses, while prolactinoma - for life, since these tumors are rare, and today operate only when complications or continued growth. Not all of these drugs can be taken during pregnancy. Pregnant women, if necessary, prescribe bromocriptine.

Dofaminomimetiki normalize prolactin levels, restore the menstrual cycle and fertility. At the same time women recovering throbbing TG secretion pituitary release of luteinizing hormone (LH - it stimulates ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   and supports the second phase of the menstrual cycle) in the middle of the cycle, anovulatory cycles are eliminated, increasing the concentration of estrogen in the body, disappear all the symptoms associated with a lack of female sex hormones and the male excess (overweight, edema, acne Acne: facial trouble  Acne: facial trouble
 , Hirsutism).


If elevated prolactin during pregnancy

After pregnancy Dofaminomimetiki in most cases canceled, as during pregnancy has not noted growth figures of prolactin in women with hyperprolactinemia, including tumors of the pituitary gland. But despite the lack of significant growth indicators prolactin, tumor growth can continue. Therefore, some women bromocriptine is prescribed and after pregnancy.

In general, the increased prolactin levels did not affect the course of pregnancy.

To date there is no evidence that prolactin caused miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?
   or any complications in childbirth.

Moreover, in pregnant women who received life-saving bromocriptine, increases the risk of death of a child after birth, due to the fact that he has not dealt lungs and he was unable to take the first breath. Such complications may develop due to the fact that light is not enough surfactant - surfactant that coats the inside of the alveoli and prevents them from sticking together. The maturation of surfactant participates prolactin.

Elevated prolactin during pregnancy is not terrible, but it prevents conception.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • prolactin

Brown discharge during pregnancy - a dangerous phenomenon

December 18th, 2014

 brown discharge during pregnancy
 Brown discharge during pregnancy - it is always dangerous. Therefore, when they appear seem to be an obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation. Normally during pregnancy occur only slight spotting associated with the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine wall.


Brown discharge in early pregnancy

At the very beginning of pregnancy brown discharge may be a variant of normal. Rarely, but it happens that during the implantation of the fertilized egg in the endometrium breaks down the integrity of the small blood vessels and released a few drops of blood. Mingling with vaginal discharge, it gives them a brown color. Such isolation is very short-lived, they do not last more than a day. Develops implantation bleeding a week after conception - that is how much time it takes for the egg to reach the uterus.

At the beginning of pregnancy may appear brown discharge associated with starting a miscarriage. Often they are the first harbingers of miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?
 . Miscarriage may be associated with a lack of the female sex hormone progesterone (it inhibits smooth muscle of the uterus), with the rise of gravity, considerable stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   and so on. After a while, brown discharge can be replaced bleeding. Abortion is considered a spontaneous termination of pregnancy for up to 22 weeks. In the later stages of such an interruption is called a premature birth.

The appearance of brown discharge for about 6-8 weeks of gestation, and sometimes later can be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. The most common site of a fertilized egg in the ectopic pregnancy is the fallopian tube. It egg grows until until stretches and then breaks its wall.

The first sign of an ectopic pregnancy can be a little brown vaginal discharge. Then, against the backdrop of a sharp dagger of pain appears internal bleeding, accompanied by a rapid decrease in blood pressure, dizziness and fainting. At the same time may appear vaginal discharge dark. Dark brown discharge during pregnancy often talk about breaking the fallopian tube.


Brown discharge in late pregnancy

The appearance of brown precipitates at the end of pregnancy may be the norm. The fact is that during the entire pregnancy the cervix channel is so called mucus plug, which closes the access infections in the uterus. Before birth, when the cervix softens and begins to unfold, the cork leaves and the fruit is only protected by the membranes.

Normally, mucus plug coming off a few days before delivery, but sometimes much later, during childbirth. Sometimes and early discharge of mucous plug - a condition of a pregnant woman in this case must be evaluated by a doctor.

The mucous plug is a thick wad of mucus a whitish-yellowish. Often this lump of clotted blood laced with veins, which gives it a brownish appearance - this is normal. But if the mucus plug has significant admixture of red blood is alarming and requires a doctor's examination.

Brown discharge in late pregnancy may also be a sign of preterm labor.

Premature births are considered, which started earlier than two weeks before the expected date of delivery. In this case, just as in the miscarriage may initially be small brown discharge and then - severe pain and bleeding.


What do the yellow-brown discharge during pregnancy

The appearance of yellowish brown precipitates often associated with infection. Typically, such separation have an unpleasant odor. When they appear, immediately seek medical attention. All infections are detected in pregnant women, always being treated by a specially developed technique. For their use treating drugs which do not adversely affect the fetus.

If the infection does not treat (or treat yourself that the same thing), it can give complication of the fetus.


Discharge after childbirth

Discharge after childbirth are called lochia. Immediately after birth, and within two or three days of isolation are bright red. Then they gradually darken - dark brown discharge Brown allocation - what do they say?  Brown allocation - what do they say?
   after birth - this is normal. Gradually lochia more lighter. Varying the intensity of light brown discharge after childbirth with a peculiar musty odor may be released in a few weeks.

Danger are brown discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant putrid odor - it indicates the presence of infection.

Brown discharge during pregnancy Discharges during pregnancy - should not be afraid  Discharges during pregnancy - should not be afraid
   and childbirth can be a variant of the norm, and a sign of some distress.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • isolation during pregnancy
  • brown discharge

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